As a community-supported journal, AIP Advances welcomes full participation from a wide spectrum of physical scientists. Researchers interested in becoming reviewers are invited to register at Direct questions about the review process to
The Executive Editors, aided by the Academic Editors, set editorial policy for the journal. Submitted manuscripts are assigned to a particular Academic Editor who provides oversight of the peer-review process, and, based on reviewer feedback, decides to accept the paper, request revisions of the author, or rejects the paper.
Reviewers and editors are not expected to judge the significance of the scientific results. The Academic Editors use the following guidelines in accepting a submission for publication:
- Does the manuscript present results of primary scientific research?
- Does the manuscript present research in an area of applied physical science?
- Have the results been published elsewhere?
- Does the analysis represent rigorous technical standards; is the detail presented sufficient?
- Are conclusions supported by the data presented?
- Is the manuscript understandable; is it written in good scientific English?
Reviewers assigned to a manuscript will use the Journal's online system for all aspects of the process. A checklist is provided within the online system to assist the reviewer. []
The supreme task of the physicist is to arrive at those universal elementary laws from which the cosmos can be built up by pure deduction. There is no logical path to these laws; only intuition, resting on sympathetic understanding of experience, can reach them
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
AIP Advances
Saturday, May 21, 2011
On the properties of wave functions
Definitely, the above discussions apply to any kind of wave equations, such as Maxwell equations. In summary: (1) single-valued-ness is a must; (2) continuity is not.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
More on This LAO/STO layer
Increases in the gate capacitance of field-effect transistor structures allow the production of lower-power devices that are compatible with higher clock rates, driving the race for developing high-κ dielectrics. However, many-body effects in an electronic system can also enhance capacitance. Onto the electron system that forms at the LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface, we fabricated top-gate electrodes that can fully deplete the interface of all mobile electrons. Near depletion, we found a greater than 40% enhancement of the gate capacitance. Using an electric-field penetration measurement method, we show that this capacitance originates from a negative compressibility of the interface electron system. Capacitance enhancement exists at room temperature and arises at low electron densities, in which disorder is strong and the in-plane conductance is much smaller than the quantum conductance.
Solid He4
Using a high-sensitivity torsional oscillator (TO) technique, we mapped the rotational and relaxational dynamics of solid helium-4 (4He) throughout the parameter range of the proposed supersolidity. We found evidence that the same microscopic excitations controlling the torsional oscillator motions are generated independently by thermal and mechanical stimulation. Moreover, a measure for the relaxation times of these excitations diverges smoothly without any indication for a critical temperature or critical velocity of a supersolid transition. Finally, we demonstrated that the combined temperature-velocity dependence of the TO response is indistinguishable from the combined temperature-strain dependence of the solid’s shear modulus. This implies that the rotational responses of solid 4He attributed to supersolidity are associated with generation of the same microscopic excitations as those produced by direct shear strain.
Ballastic and Diffusive motions
For many years after Einstein's contributions, it was expected that the transition from ballistic to diffusive motion would be quite sharp, corresponding to an exponential decay of the particle's memory of its earlier velocity. However, about 50 years ago, hints from computer simulations and theory started to suggest a more complex scenario. In particular, hydrodynamic vortices in the liquid created by the particle's motion lead to memory effects, and the particle's velocity decays much more slowly than exponentially, exhibiting a t−3/2 “long-time-tail” (12). Detailed analysis by Huang et al. of data like that shown in the second figure, panel B, where the ballistic-to-diffusive transition spans more than three decades in time, has now provided a thorough verification of the full, complicated hydrodynamic theory (13, 14). Although several previous experiments had observed the breakdown of the simple diffusion picture [e.g., (15)], the present studies extend into the ballistic regime.
What next? Li et al. mention the fascinating prospect of laser cooling a trapped particle to a temperature at which quantization of the energy of this mesoscopic object could be observed (16). Huang et al. suggest extending their measurements to Brownian motion in confined regions and heterogeneous media. Here, understanding the details of prediffusive motion over subnanometer distances could well be relevant to some biological processes, such as the lock-and-key mechanism of enzyme action.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Cohen in a lecture
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
A tutorial on band structure calculation
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Delocalization of Cooper pairs by doping ?
What is expected of reviewers
Monday, May 9, 2011
Electron induced rippling in graphene
[1]PRL, 106:045502(2011)
Where enter the doped holes in cuprates?
Is there a sharp transition ?
[1]Science, 332:698(2011)
[2]PRL, 105:057003(2010)
I would like to mention another paper, which measures orbital current in CuO[Science, 332:696(2011)].
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Heat Flow In Small Things
Advances in the fabrication and characterization of nanoscale systems now allow for a better understanding of one of the most basic issues in science and technology: the flow of heat at the microscopic level. In this Colloquium recent advances are surveyed and an understanding of physical mechanisms of energy transport in nanostructures is presented, focusing mainly on molecular junctions and atomic wires. Basic issues are examined such as thermal conductivity, thermoelectricity, local temperature and heating, and the relation between heat current density
and temperature gradient—known as Fourier’s law. Both theoretical and experimental progress are critically reported in each of these issues and future research opportunities in the field are discussed. [REVIEW OF MODERN PHYSICS, VOLUME 83, JANUARY–MARCH 2011]
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Cellular networks
Mesoscale experiment and simulation permit harvesting information about both geometric features and texture in polycrystals. The grain boundary character distribution (GBCD) is an empirical distribution of the relative length [in two dimensions (2D)] or area (in 3D) of an interface with a given lattice misorientation and normal. During the growth process, an initially random distribution of boundary types reaches a steady state that is strongly correlated to the interfacial energy density. In simulation, it is found that if the given energy density depends only
on lattice misorientation, then the steady-state GBCD and the energy are related by a Boltzmann distribution. This is among the simplest nonrandom distributions, corresponding to independent trials with respect to the energy. In this paper, we derive an entropy-based theory that suggests that the evolution of the GBCD satisfies a Fokker-Planck equation, an equation whose stationary state is a Boltzmann distribution. Cellular structures coarsen according to a local evolution law, curvature-driven growth, and are limited by space-filling constraints. The interaction between the evolution law and the constraints is governed primarily by the force balance at triple junctions, the natural boundary condition associated with curvature-driven growth, and determines a dissipation relation. A simplified coarsening model is introduced that is driven by the boundary conditions and reflects the network level dissipation relation of the grain growth system. It resembles an ensemble of inertia-free spring-mass dash pots. Application is made of the recent characterization of Fokker-Planck kinetics as a gradient flow for a free energy in deriving the theory. The theory predicts the results of large-scale two-dimensional simulations and
is consistent with experiment. [PHYSICAL REVIEW B 83, 134117 (2011)]
Giant Electroresistance
A giant tunneling electroresistance effect may be achieved in a ferroelectric tunnel junction by exploiting the magnetoelectric effect at the interface between the ferroelectric barrier and a magnetic La1 xSrxMnO3 electrode. Using first-principles density-functional theory we demonstrate that a few magnetic monolayers of La1 xSrxMnO3 near the interface act, in response to ferroelectric polarization
reversal, as an atomic-scale spin valve by filtering spin-dependent current. This produces more than an order of magnitude change in conductance, and thus constitutes a giant resistive switching effect. [PRL 106, 157203 (2011)]