a, YBCO6.34 nodal dispersion and MDCs at
EF (±15
meV integration, shaded region), for light polarization parallel to Γ–S.
b, YBCO7 MDCs for polarization along Γ–Y (note the strong polarization dependence).
c, Evolution of
kF,NB (down triangles) and
kF,NAB (up triangles); below
p≃0.15 the B–AB splitting vanishes and only one single
kF,N is detected (diamonds).
ZN as determined from the B–AB splitting


and the rescaled low-energy spectral-weight ratio

. Also shown are spline guides-to-the-eye and the 2
p+1) relation (dashed red line). For the splitting-derived data, error bars are determined from the B–AB MDC fits when splitting is detected, and from the experimental resolutions otherwise; for the spectral weight ratio (SWR), they are calculated from the spread in SWR values for integration windows smaller than
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