We use SrTiO3=Si as a model system to elucidate the effect of the interface on ferroelectric behavior in epitaxial oxide films on silicon. Using both first-principles computations and synchrotron x-ray diffraction measurements, we show that structurally imposed boundary conditions at the interface stabilize a fixed
(pinned) polarization in the film but inhibit ferroelectric switching. We demonstrate that the interface chemistry responsible for these phenomena is general to epitaxial silicon-oxide interfaces, impacting on the design of silicon-based functional oxide devices.
The supreme task of the physicist is to arrive at those universal elementary laws from which the cosmos can be built up by pure deduction. There is no logical path to these laws; only intuition, resting on sympathetic understanding of experience, can reach them
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Polar thin film is not ferroelectric
Monday, November 22, 2010
Life is physics
Uncertainty and Nonlocality
with perfect accuracy at the same time. The non-locality concept means that, two subsystems can be strongly correlated even if they are distant. It is reasonable to think that, these two notions may be connected. This is the case, as demonstrated in this report [Science 330, 1072 (2010)]:
Two central concepts of quantum mechanics are Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle and a subtle form of nonlocality that Einstein famously called “spooky action at a distance.” These two fundamental features have thus far been distinct concepts. We show that they are inextricably and quantitatively linked: Quantum mechanics cannot be more nonlocal with measurements that respect the uncertainty principle. In fact, the link between uncertainty and nonlocality holds for all physical
theories. More specifically, the degree of nonlocality of any theory is determined by two factors: the strength of the uncertainty principle and the strength of a property called “steering,” which determines which states can be prepared at one location given a measurement at another.
Supersolidity ?
Now, Kim, Kimitoshi Kono of Japan's research institute RIKEN in Wako, and colleagues have performed a torsional oscillator experiment in a specialized refrigerator, or “cryostat,” in which they can spin the whole experiment at speeds up to a revolution per second. Working in Kono's lab, they found that as the rate of rotation increased, the shift in the frequency that supposedly tracks the resistance-free flow decreased and eventually vanished.
That's what should happen if the flow is real. Thanks to quantum mechanics, a superfluid abhors rotation. Spin a bucket of superfluid liquid helium, and the liquid will sprout tiny whirlpools called “vortices” spinning to counteract the rotation. Put a torsional oscillator in a spinning fridge, and vortices will tie up the superfluid, leaving less to stand still and reducing the frequency shift seen as superfluid flow sets in. Kim's result suggests that rotation stirs up vortices in solid helium, too, says Sébastien Balibar, a physicist at the École Normale Supérieure in Paris.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Wikipedia goes to Grad
Wikipedia Goes to Grad School
Melissa McCartney Very few graduate-level science curricula include training in communicating advanced concepts to a general audience. Moy et al. report a class project that addressed this by having chemistry students edit an entry in Wikipedia.org collaboratively. Students selected topics that were related to the course and were minimally covered on Wikipedia. Student entries contained references, an introduction aimed at the general public, and figures to enhance the explanation of the topic. Student feedback collected at the end of the project revealed increased knowledge of their topic. A specialist in writing and rhetoric concluded that the students' entries were more engaging to general readers because of the attention to real-world applications and clear explanations of vocabulary. Course professors noted that students appeared to assess the material they added to the entry more critically than when they were simply studying for the class, which is consistent with the notion of students' developing a higher level of explanatory knowledge when teaching the material is a goal.
J. Chem. Educ. 87, 1159 (2010).
Friday, November 12, 2010
The physics in skateboarding
especially the so-called "Ollie":
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Toward engineering the color of metals by carving rings on the surface
Their idea is to carve a different type of repeating pattern on to the surface of a metal.These patterns are smaller than the wavelength of visible light. Instead of causing the light to interfere, they work by changing the properties of the sea of electrons in the metal--in particular its resonant frequency. This alters the frequency of light it absorbs and reflects.
This is the same technique that researchers have been using for some time to build invisibility cloaks . The idea is that by carefully building repeating patterns of subwavelength structures, researchers can tailor the way a "metamaterial" can steer light.
But instead of creating 3D structures that steer light as it passes through the material, Zhang and co carve the relevant structures onto the surface to control the way light is absorbed and reflected.
The structures that do the trick are tiny rings carved into the surface. The team calculate that they can make gold or aluminium appear almost any colour simply by varying the size and depth of these rings. They've even demonstrated the technique on a thin layer of gold.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
The cosmic history
This is a review article published in Nature:
Star-forming galaxies trace cosmic history. Recent observational progress with the NASA Hubble Space Telescope has led to the discovery and study of the earliest known galaxies, which correspond to a period when the Universe was only 800 million years old. Intense ultraviolet radiation from these early galaxies probably induced a major event in cosmic history: the reionization of intergalactic hydrogen.
How charge is renormalized by gravity
The first term on the right hand side of equation (12) is that present in the absence of gravity (found by letting kR0) and results in the electric charge increasing with energy. The second termis the correction due to quantum gravity. For pure gravity with L50, or for a small value of L as suggested by present observational evidence40, the quantum gravity contribution to the renormalization group b-function is negative and therefore tends to result in asymptotic freedom, in agreement with the
original calculation13.
Monday, November 8, 2010
The Coulomb Interactions In the Graphene as measured in Graphite

As a 2D Dirac physics simulators, graphene harbors very efficiently mobile electrons and may find wide applications in electronics and other arena. Most experiments detect these electrons as if they were free and independent. Nevertheless, a simple estimation [1] suggests that, the ratio of U, the electrostatic energy to K, the kinetic energy, is about 2.2, which is very large. So, why has it been unseen yet ? The reason is ascribed to screening or say shielding effects. Such effects are very strong for nimble electrons, which is true for graphene. On the other hand, the shielding should not be on all scales. In fact, a simple Yukawa potential modeling this shielding suggests that, such effects becomes pronounced only for distances beyond a critical value. Inside this value, screening can be neglected and strong repulsions should reveal itself. Put in math, the shielding function depends on energy and momentum scales that are looked at. Now these authors [2] did nice experiments and confirmed this saying. They measured the shielding in graphite, which consists of loosely layered graphene.
Figure Caption: The effective, screened fine-structure constant,
[1] The estimation is done as
[2] DOI: 10.1126/science.1190920
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The Theoretical Group As Founded
(1) Invite peers to present their latest studies or something they find stunning and then discuss the topics;
(2) Learn some new topics through a presentation by one of the participants.
I must say, the presentations are really very theoretical and contain many difficult math. So, we are indeed serious in doing this.
Still Quiet is Dark Matter
The XENON100 experiment, in operation at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso in Italy, is designed to search for dark matter weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) scattering off 62 kg of liquid xenon in an ultralow background dual-phase time projection chamber. In this Letter, we present first dark matter results from the analysis of 11.17 live days of nonblind data, acquired in October and
November 2009. In the selected fiducial target of 40 kg, and within the predefined signal region, we observe no events and hence exclude spin-independent WIMP-nucleon elastic scattering cross sections above 3:4 10 44 cm2 for 55 GeV=c2 WIMPs at 90% confidence level. Below 20 GeV=c2, this result
constrains the interpretation of the CoGeNT and DAMA signals as being due to spin-independent, elastic, light mass WIMP interactions.
Friday, November 5, 2010
The Compositions of Neutron stars

Does a neutron star comprise primarily of neutrons and protons or there are some other particles ? Both options have been used to construct models to describe the behaviors of neutron stars. A great difference between these two options is that, they yield different maximum star masses. For a star of largely protons and neutrons, the mass can be larger, because including other matter will soften the star in response to gravitational field. Recently, a group studied a pulsar, which is a neutron star and has a companion [doi:10.1038/4671057a]. This group measured the so-called Shapiro delay and has determined with high precision the masses of both the pulsar and its companion. The as-measured mass is 1.97+/-0.04 times the solar mass. Such a massive star can hardly be harbored by models containing matter other than protons and neutrons [Lattimer, J. M. & Prakash, M. Nucl. Phys. A 777, 479–496 (2006). ].
The Shapiro delay is caused by the gravitation of the companion: the spinning pulsar emits pulses regularly and this pulse passes by the companion on the journey to the earth, and the companion distorts the space-time nearby and makes a time delay. This delay is expected periodic, since the pulsar is moving around the companion. This enables the determination of the masses.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Visualizing the edge states in graphene
(1) Band bending and the associated spatially inhomogeneous population of Landau levels play a central role in the physics of the quantum Hall effect (QHE) by constraining the pathways for charge-carrier transport and scattering1. Recent progress in understanding such effects in low-dimensional carrier gases in conventional semiconductors has been achieved by real-space mapping using local probes2, 3. Here, we use spatially resolved photocurrent measurements in the QHE regime to study the correlation between the distribution of Landau levels and the macroscopic transport characteristics in graphene. Spatial maps show that the net photocurrent is determined by hot carriers transported to the periphery of the graphene channel, where QHE edge states provide efficient pathways for their extraction to the contacts. The photocurrent is sensitive to the local filling factor, which allows us to reconstruct the local charge density in the entire conducting channel of a graphene device. [doi:10.1038/nphys1745]
(2) Spintronics, where the spin of electrons is used to carry information, is a rapidly growing area of research1, 2. There are several techniques for generating pure spin currents3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; however, there is no method that can directly detect them, largely because they carry no net charge current and no net magnetization. At present, studies of pure spin currents rely on measuring the induced spin accumulation with either optical techniques5, 11, 12, 13 or spin-valve configurations14, 15, 16, 17. However, spin accumulation does not directly reflect the spatial distribution or temporal dynamics of the pure spin current, and therefore does not give a real-time or real-space measurement. Here we demonstrate a second-order nonlinear optical effect of the pure spin current that has never been explored before, and show that it can be used for the non-invasive, non-destructive and real-time imaging of pure spin currents. The detection scheme can be applied in a wide range of materials with different electronic band structures because it does not rely on optical resonances. Furthermore, the control of nonlinear optical properties of materials with pure spin currents may have potential applications in photonics integrated with spintronics. [doi:10.1038/nphys1742]
Loss of quasi-particle weight upon doping in cuprates

a, YBCO6.34 nodal dispersion and MDCs at EF (±15 meV integration, shaded region), for light polarization parallel to Γ–S. b, YBCO7 MDCs for polarization along Γ–Y (note the strong polarization dependence). c, Evolution of kF,NB (down triangles) and kF,NAB (up triangles); below p≃0.15 the B–AB splitting vanishes and only one single kF,N is detected (diamonds). d, ZN as determined from the B–AB splitting
Pinwheel magnetic structure

Solid black lines are magnetic exchange interactions with three different strengths. The ellipses show the main spin correlations of the pinwheel valence-bond solid state found by Matan and co-workers in Rb2Cu3SnF12. Spin singlets form between spin pairs linked by the dominant exchange interactions.
[Nature Physics Volume:6 ,Pages:837–838 Year published: 2010]

Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Zhang-Rice singlets fall apart
X-ray absorption spectra on the overdoped high-temperature superconductors Tl2Ba2CuO6þ and La2 xSrxCuO4 reveal a striking departure in the electronic structure from that of the underdopedregime. The upper Hubbard band, identified with strong correlation effects, is not observed on the oxygenK edge, while the lowest-energy prepeak gains less intensity than expected above p 0:21. This suggests a breakdown of the Zhang-Rice singlet approximation and a loss of correlation effects or a significant shift in the most fundamental parameters of the system, rendering single-band Hubbard models inapplicable. Such fundamental changes suggest that the overdoped regime may offer a distinct route to understanding in the cuprates.
Monday, November 1, 2010
E-index to measure individual's impacts