Saturday, June 5, 2010

Commenting on a paper highlighted in NJP

There came recently the May highlights of New Journal of Physics. One of them is the following

Markus Schmid, Brian M Andersen, Arno P Kampf and P J Hirschfeld, d-Wave superconductivity as a catalyst for antiferromagnetism in underdoped cuprates, New Journal of Physics 12 (2010) 053043 (17pp)

It says,

Support for this cooperative effect between SDW and superconductivity comes not only from the onset of the elastic magnetic neutron signal at Tc but also from Zn-substituted optimally doped LSCO. There it is found by μSR that 2% Zn induces a magnetic signal, but 3% Zn is found to eliminate it, but also destroys superconductivity [33]; within the context of the current theory, this effect is understood not as a consequence of spin dilution [33], but rather due to the destruction of the SC phase and thereby its ability to generate (or enhance) magnetic order via bound state creation. Similar effects were observed at smaller Zn concentrations in underdoped LSCO samples [34].

As regards these words, I would like to mention a recent article [DENG et al 2009]. According to the reasoning presented therein, the collapse of AFM orders should be due to spin glass formation in hole-doped compounds while spin dilution in electron-doped ones, a conclusion very similar to what is suggested in the above words. The reasoning is very convincing there.

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