Monday, January 30, 2012

Work in China looks like ......

The Chinese work ethic often makes an impression on foreign researchers. “It's humbling to see people working so hard,” says Tsun. He says that half the Pasteur Institute is sometimes still in the lab after 7 or 8 p.m. — something that Tsun rarely saw during his PhD research at the University of Oxford, UK.

But hard work doesn't always translate into creativity. Many of the students “haven't been trained so much in using their knowledge to generate new ideas and find new solutions”, says Danielsen. “They work extremely hard and very long hours, but I am not sure whether they are able to step back a bit and reflect on the results.” Wickham says that the science is often highly managed by professors, and researchers are not encouraged to take risks or learn from their mistakes.

A planet orbiting a pair of suns !!

Array of Graphene dots absorbs light perfectly

The results may be used in e.g. solar cells ! How to broaden the absorption spectrum?

A talk by P A Lee on SC and FM coexisting in oxide interface

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A video on A.Einstein

Separation device

A newly proposed separation devices has come out (

Rubí and Peter Hänggi of the University of Augsburg, Germany, led a team that has developed a new approach to these ratchet sorters. They start with a mathematical framework in which the entropy of the system is treated like potential energy, with entropy “barriers” that repel particles. These are regions where particles are restricted to a small space, which reduces the number of states (locations and velocities) that a particle can occupy. Fewer states means lower entropy. Like balls rolling down a hill, particles tend to move away from these low entropy spots.

The team applies this formalism to a tube with walls that periodically ramp from a narrow diameter to a wide diameter and back, with an asymmetric or “sawtooth” profile. This shape forms distinct but still connected chambers, or segments, each of which is a few microns long. Entropic barriers inhibit travel between segments; however, the barriers are steeper going to the left, so the net motion of the particles is to the right.

In order to clearly see the entropic effect in their computer simulation and analytical calculations, the researchers apply an oscillating force that essentially shakes the particles back and forth inside the tube. In a real experiment, this force could be an oscillating electric field.

Resistance becomes lower under pressure

The property of matter often changes drastically as external knobs such as temperature (goes lower) and pressure (gets raised) are tuned (

Wustite (FeO) is a prototype for the iron-bearing minerals found in the Earth. Though FeO is insulating at ambient conditions, in the late 1980s researchers observed it undergo a transition to a metallic state when compressed by shock waves. The nature of this transition has, however, been unclear.

In a paper in Physical Review Letters, Kenji Ohta of Osaka University, Japan, and colleagues report their combined theoretical and experimental attack on the problem. The research team measured high-temperature resistivity and structural x-ray diffraction patterns of FeO in a diamond anvil cell to simulate conditions in Earth’s mantle. At a temperature of 1900 kelvin and pressure of 70 gigapascals, Ohta et al. were able to watch as FeO in a rocksalt atomic structure became metallic without any structural changes.

To understand these findings, Ohta et al. performed density-functional calculations of electrical conductivity as a function of temperature and pressure. The results suggest that their observations are consistent with a new kind of insulator-metal transition involving fluctuations between a high-spin state to a low-spin state in the FeO. For geophysicists, this makes the picture of conductivity deep in the Earth richer: both insulating and metallic phases must be added to the phase diagram, with potential implications for thermal and electrical conductivity, and in turn models of the planetary magnetic field. –David Voss