Monday, October 24, 2011

Criteria for JAP

Journal of Applied Physics (JAP) is published by the American Institute of Physics. The Editor, aided by the Associate Editors and the Editorial Board, is responsible for the scientific content and other editorial matters relating to the Journal. Manuscripts submitted are first screened by the editors; those on subject matters within the scope of the Journal are sent to an expert referee for evaluation and may be sent to a second reviewer if necessary. This two-tier screening process helps to assure an appropriate focus as well as high scientific quality of the Journal.

Manuscripts submitted to the Journal that have been previously peer-reviewed for Applied Physics Letters must include a response or rebuttal of the original review as well as a list of changes. Consideration of these submissions is at the discretion of the Journal.

Authors of scientific publications in the Journal are jointly responsible for their content. Credit for the content and responsibility for errors or fraud are borne equally by all authors.

An author may appeal an editor’s decision to reject a manuscript by making a request to the editor that the case be reviewed by the Executive Director of AIP. The Executive Director will not make direct decisions whether or not a paper should be accepted for publication, but rather will assess whether procedures were followed properly. Additional rounds of review or adjudication would only be called for if proper procedures were not followed.

Criteria for Publication

1. Content. Journal of Applied Physics publishes papers describing original research in applied physics. We strive to publish papers that contain substantial advancement of established knowledge or that report significant new developments in the field. Our instructions to reviewers state:

"A paper to be published in Journal of Applied Physics should be not only a useful report, but should also contain physics in the sense of interpreting or analyzing the phenomena observed experimentally in terms of basic mechanisms. Theoretical papers should indicate possible applications."

Papers that, in the reviewer's or editor's opinion, fall short of this standard will be rejected.

For the benefit of the growing scientific community contributing to the Journal, we give details for three subjects on which we receive many manuscripts.

Device proposals, fabrication or performance: Our policy is to consider such manuscripts only if the underlying physics is clearly described and is new and interesting.

Materials synthesis: Our criterion for manuscripts in this area, including thin film growth, is that the paper contain physics, such as the mechanism of growth or formation, or the underlying physics of how the processing affects the properties obtained. A recipe followed only by characterization of the structure is usually not sufficient.

Instruments and experimental techniques: Papers, the main thrust of which is instrumentation or experimental technique, should be sent to Review of Scientific Instruments.

2. Novelty. Papers must contain new results to be published. Submission of an article implies that it has not been published or submitted elsewhere. Material previously published in a letters journal or in a conference proceedings can be included in an article in the Journal that presents significantly more detail and/or results, leading to a substantially improved understanding of the subject. Figures, tables, or text material should not be repeated. Claims of novelty such as "for the first time" should be avoided, even when qualified by escape clauses such as "to our knowledge." Trust the readers to know when something is new and when it is not.

3. Language. Papers must be written in standard American English. This is the responsibility of the author, not the editors. Papers below the standard for the Journal will be returned to the authors for rewriting and can be rejected for this reason alone. Such problems may be avoided and publication expedited if the manuscript is edited by an English-speaking colleague or a professional editing service before the initial submission.

4. Length. The length of a regular paper should be kept to the minimum consistent with comprehensibility. The length of a Communication is limited to three printed pages. The same standards of scientific content and quality apply to Communications as to regular articles. Papers occupying more than ten printed pages in the Journal will be assessed a mandatory "excess page fee" of $150 per additional page. The length of the abstract should not exceed one-third of a printed page.

5. Format. Instructions to contributors are published in the front of the Journal twice a year, and are posted on the Journal's web page. Because of rapid changes in publication technology, authors are asked to follow the instructions for preparation of figures with particular care.

6. Patents. Submission of manuscripts that contain ideas which may be patentable is at the author's risk, and neither Journal of Applied Physics or the American Institute of Physics assumes any responsibility in this regard.

7. Byline. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that all authors approve the inclusion of their names on the byline. If the name of a co-author is removed, the approval of all original authors is required. A co-author being added must send his approval in writing. Papers are not published until the required signatures are received.

8. Serial Publication. Publication of ongoing work in a series of papers is strongly discouraged. Instead, a single comprehensive article should be submitted.

9. Copyright. The Journal requests a signed copyright-transfer form, assigning the copyright to AIP, to be included with each submission for publication. It is a tradition of long standing that submission to the Journal implies that the work has been neither copyrighted, classified, published, nor is being considered for publication elsewhere. The copyright-transfer form and other useful information for authors can be found here.

The AIP grants to the author(s) of papers submitted to Journal of Applied Physics the right to post and update the original article on an author's personal web page as well as on e-print servers. The final AIP version may be posted on the author's personal website, the author's institutional website and institutional repository. It is also possible to create a link to the Journal of Applied Physics publication.

10. Review articles. Applied Physics Reviews are published in the Journal. Manuscripts should be sent to one of the Editors, either: John M. Poate, Editor, Applied Physics Reviews, Vice President of Research and Technology Transfer, Colorado School of Mines, 1500 Illinois Street, Golden, CO 80401, or Bill R. Appleton, Editor, Applied Physics Reviews, Nanoscience Institute for Medical and Engineering Technologies, University of Florida, 311 Weil Hall, P.O. Box 116550, Gainesville, FL 32611. Authors are strongly advised to contact one of the Editors before writing a manuscript.

11. Comments and Responses. The Journal publishes Comments. The purpose of a Comment is to correct significant errors in articles published in the Journal, to take issue with the conclusions reached, or to provide additional insight or corroboration.

Comments must be concise, substantive, and free of polemics. They must address scientific issues only. Comments on questions of priority or calling attention to an oversight in a reference list do not benefit our readers enough to be published and can be settled by the author of the original paper by writing an Addendum. If the author of the Comment is wrong, or if he/she has simply misunderstood the original, it will be best to settle the matter privately.

The Comment is limited to no more than three printed pages. The title should read: Comment on "original title" [J. Appl. Phys., vol., page (year)]. The author is given an opportunity to reply. The Response should take up no more than one printed page. The title should read: Response to "Comment on 'original title' " [J. Appl. Phys., vol., page (year)].

The Comment and Response will then be reviewed. If the Comment is rejected, neither will be published. If the Response alone is rejected, the Comment will be published without the Response. No further exchange beyond this point can be considered for publication.

12. Errata. The Journal publishes errata, in which authors correct significant errors of substance in their published manuscripts. The title should read: Erratum: "original title" [J. Appl. Phys., vol., page(year)]. This is followed by the authors' names and institutions, and the text of the corrected version. Errata should be as short as consistent with clarity.

13. Supplemental Material. The Editors and AIP encourage authors to submit supplemental material that may only be of interest to a few readers who are working on the problem for example, for publication alongside their manuscript. Long data tables, large numbers of figures, and long and detailed portions of text not necessary for an overall understanding of the scientific argument of the paper are appropriate. Supplemental material is linked to the electronic version of the journal and is immediately available to the interested reader. Long data sets are more useful to the reader when published this way as there is at least the possibility of electronic manipulation by the reader. There is no restriction on the format of supplemental files, but the Editors strongly encourage the use of ASCII text for the presentation of data. Word processing packages change in time, and ASCII text files are more likely to be readable in the future. Formats such as PDF and PostScript that cannot be edited are less useful to the reader who wishes to manipulate the data.


It is possible to transfer a rejected manuscript to another AIP journal for consideration. A list and descriptions can be found here: Carefully review the acceptance criteria for the journal you believe would be appropriate for your manuscript. If you feel that your manuscript would be appropriate for publication in another of AIP's journals you may request a transfer by email. Please note that transferring manuscript files does not guarantee that the manuscript will be considered by the receiving journal. It is only meant to offer the technical facility to allow transfer of manuscript files and correspondence without the inconvenience of having to resubmit from journal to journal.

(Revised April 2011)

Generalized Snell's law

Conventional optical components rely on gradual phase shifts accumulated during light propagation to shape light beams. New degrees of freedom are attained by introducing abrupt phase changes over the scale of the wavelength. A two-dimensional array of optical resonators with spatially varying phase response and subwavelength separation can imprint such phase discontinuities on propagating light as it traverses the interface between two media. Anomalous reflection and refraction phenomena are observed in this regime in optically thin arrays of metallic antennas on silicon with a linear phase variation along the interface, which are in excellent agreement with generalized laws derived from Fermat’s principle. Phase discontinuities provide great flexibility in the design of light beams, as illustrated by the generation of optical vortices through use of planar designer metallic interfaces.

How many neutrinos should exist ?

The SM assumes three types of neutrinos. However, these authors analyzed data to demonstrate the need of two more types [].

Neutrino oscillations, observed through the transmutation of neutrinos of one type into neutrinos of another type, occur if there is mixing between neutrino types and if individual neutrino types consist of a linear combination of different neutrino masses. (At present, the masses and mixings of the fundamental quarks and leptons can be measured but are not fully understood.) In the case of two-neutrino mixing — for example, mixing between the muon neutrino and the electron neutrino — the probability (P) that a muon neutrino (νμ) will oscillate into an electron neutrino (νe) is given by P(νμ right arrow νe) = sin2(2θ)sin2(1.27Δm2L/E). Here, θ, in radians, describes the mixing between the muon neutrino and electron neutrino; Δm2 is the difference of the squares of the masses of the two neutrinos in square electronvolts; L is the distance travelled by the muon neutrino in kilometres; and E is the muon-neutrino energy in gigaelectronvolts.

In general, the number of different neutrino masses equals the number of neutrino types, so that three-neutrino mixing involves three neutrino masses and two independent Δm2 values, whereas five-neutrino mixing involves five neutrino masses and four independent Δm2 values. Neutrino oscillations have been observed at a Δm2 of about 7 × 10−5 eV2 by detectors that measure the flow of neutrinos from the Sun and experiments that detect neutrinos at a long distance from nuclear reactors. The oscillations have been detected at a Δm2 of around 2 × 10−3 eV2 by detectors that measure the flow of neutrinos from the atmosphere and by experiments in which neutrinos are measured at a long distance from particle accelerators. In addition to these confirmed observations of neutrino oscillations, there is also evidence for oscillations at a Δm2 of about 1 eV2 from short-distance accelerator and reactor neutrino experiments2, 3, 4. However, it is not possible to explain this third Δm2 value with only three neutrino masses. Therefore, additional neutrino masses are required.

In their study, Kopp et al.1 tried fitting the world neutrino-oscillation data to theoretical models involving four different neutrino masses (three active neutrinos plus one sterile neutrino) and then five different neutrino masses (three active plus two sterile neutrinos; Fig. 1). They found that one sterile neutrino was insufficient to explain the world data, but two gave a satisfactory global fit. (Similar fits are discussed elsewhere5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.) One other feature of the authors' two-sterile-neutrino fit is that it allows for violation in leptons of the charge–parity (CP) symmetry — according to which particles and antiparticles behave like mirror images of each other — or for a difference between neutrino oscillations and antineutrino oscillations. Such CP violation might help to explain the r-process, in which heavy elements are produced through nuclear reactions involving rapid neutron capture (hence the 'r'), and the production of heavy elements in neutrino bursts from stellar explosions known as supernovae. It might also help to explain why the Universe is dominated by matter and not by an equal amount of matter and antimatter.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

criteria for Physica B

The scope of Physica B comprises all condensed matter physics, including both experimental and theoretical work. Papers should contain a new experimental, calculated, or theoretical result of which the physics is properly discussed.

The requirement of the presence of some new condensed matter physics means that typical materials science papers which, for instance, mainly concern a new more efficient or cheaper preparation method of a material or the optimization of an already known physical property of a material with the aim of application, fall outside the scope of Physica B.

The criteria for EPL

Key features of an EPL article []

The main criteria for papers to be accepted for publication in EPL are:

Scientific soundness a manuscript should report important results of substantial research. Unnecessary details should be avoided. Speculative ideas are discouraged, unless some physically sound argument is given in reasonable support.
Importance and future impact results should be novel and of significant importance for the field to which they contribute and possibly to others. At least some indication should be given of a possible impact on the ongoing research.
General interest work should be at the forefront of a field of broad interest, and the results should be put into a broader context of related work. Making them accessible to researchers in other fields of specialization may be achieved by suitable, clearly written introduction and conclusion (if appropriate). References should of course be adequate and representative.

A letter is intended to be a communication of a new result or finding which merits rapid publication. It is not meant to be simply a short or abbreviated paper. In case a manuscript is found to be acceptable for publication as a regular article, but not as a letter, it may be suggested to the authors that submission to one of the journals that are part of the Mutual Transfer Agreement would be more appropriate.

Articles should contain a clear title, abstract and introduction, accessible to physicists outside the research area of the physics under discussion. Does the introduction explain, in terms accessible to a broad audience, the physics context of the work, why it is important and what has been accomplished? However, the main body of the article should contain enough technical information to enable peers to corroborate results and follow the details of the work described. The article should be likely to be well read and to make a real contribution to the subject area. If appropriate, a conclusion section should be included providing a non-specialist summary of the major points raised in the article, but not just a repeat of the abstract.

Report form

If possible, please indicate your assessment of the article using the boxes provided and justify/detail your choices in the text.

Key points of the referee report

Referees should address a number of key points in their assessment that relate to scientific content and quality, presentation and possible impact to the scientific research field.

Scientific content

Scientific merit: Is the work scientifically rigorous, accurate and correct?
Appropriateness: Is the material appropriate for the journal? Does the work deviate too far from physics, or contain too little physics, to be considered as inter-disciplinary science publishable in this journal?
Clarity: Are ideas expressed clearly and concisely? Are the concepts understandable? Is the discussion written in a way that is easy to read and understand?
Technical: Does the article contain information not known before and how important is this to the research field in question?
Interest: Is the research presented put in context of the research field as a whole? EPL articles should be accessible to both specialist and non-specialist.


Originality: Is the work relevant and novel? Does the work contain significant additional material to that already published? Is this paper likely to be cited in future?
Motivation: Does the problem considered have a sound motivation? All papers should clearly demonstrate the scientific interest of the results.
Repetition: Have significant parts of the manuscript already been published? Does the article contain significant new material in addition to that already published?
Urgency: Articles of especially high quality or interest will be published as soon as possible and may be highlighted in promotional material.

Title: Is it adequate and appropriate for the content of the article?
Abstract: Does it contain the essential information of the article? Is it complete? Is it suitable for inclusion by itself in an abstracting service?
Introduction: Is the introduction written in an easy to follow format, with a clear, informative content for a non-specialist?
Diagrams, figures, tables and captions: Are they essential and clear?
Text and mathematics: Are they brief but still clear? Is the standard of English acceptable?

thermodynamic zeroth law

I like this brief synopsis: (some simple concepts: intensive and extensive variables)

A system in equilibrium is characterized by a few intensive parameters such as temperature and chemical potential. The zeroth law of thermodynamics implies that when two systems can exchange a conserved, extensive property (e.g., molecules), their intensive parameters (e.g., the chemical potentials) must eventually equalize.

Do such parameters exist for far-from-equilibrium systems? We know that intensive thermodynamic parameters can be defined for nonequilibrium stationary states in systems with short-range spatial correlations. To test whether this is possible in the presence of long-range correlations, often found in such stationary states, Punyabrata Pradhan and colleagues at the University of Stuttgart, Germany, writing in Physical Review E, analyze the driven lattice gas (DLG), a favorite “toy model” of nonequilibrium statistical mechanics, in which particles with short-range interactions hop around on a lattice.

Suppose a DLG, characterized by its size, interparticle interactions, and bias, is placed in contact with an equilibrium lattice gas. Eventually the particle densities of the two gases attain two different stationary values. Consider a second DLG, with different properties, that “equilibrates” via contact with a copy of the equilibrium lattice gas used in the first experiment. If stationary contact between the two systems can indeed be characterized by an intensive variable, we should expect no change in the respective particle densities of the two DLGs while in contact. Using Monte Carlo simulations, the authors verify that the densities, upon contact, indeed remain nearly unchanged, but that there are deviations from the zeroth law, which can be largely understood in terms of an excess chemical potential associated with the contact region. – Ron Dickman

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Neutrino not that fast !!

I like this blog entry by Zz. He highlighted a recent article that did not see data indicating superfast!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Eigenfactor is more robust than impact factor

Today I had a conversation with a professor. He told me a lot about the so-called A-grade journals based on the notorious impact factor. (in my view, he is really an impact factor seeker and driven commercially, opposite to the Einsteinian way; I don't like him) Then I came back office and took a look at what is impact factor. I found it and understood that, it is no more than citation counts. It is like a popularity poll, with no regard to the significance of a vote. This is good in politics but not that good in science, which requires expertise. That is, two votes should not weigh the same. But impact factor does not count the weights. A better one is the Eigenfactor, which is something like this:

The Eigenfactor score, developed by Jevin West and Carl Bergstrom at the University of Washington, is a rating of the total importance of a scientific journal. In a manner reminiscent of Google's Pagerank algorithm, journals are rated according to the number of incoming citations, with citations from highly ranked journals weighted to make a larger contribution to the eigenfactor than those from poorly ranked journals.[1] As a measure of importance, the Eigenfactor score scales with the total impact of a journal. All else equal, journals generating higher impact to the field have larger Eigenfactor scores.

Eigenfactor scores and Article Influence scores are calculated by, where they can be freely viewed. Eigenfactor scores are intended to give a measure of how likely a journal is to be used, and are thought to reflect how frequently an average researcher would access content from that journal.[1]

The Eigenfactor approach is thought to be more robust than the impact factor metric,[2] which purely counts incoming citations without considering the significance of those citations.[3] While the Eigenfactor scores is correlated with total citation count for medical journals,[4] these metrics provide significantly different information. For a given number of citations, citations from more significant journals will result in a higher Eigenfactor score.[5]

Eigenfactor scores are measures of a journal's importance. It can be used in combination with H-index to evaluate the work of individual scientists. The H-index is sometimes considered the most robust indicator of a scientist's productivity,[3] but a number of shortcomings of the index have been much-debated and corrected indices proposed. []

The journals (e.g. there are in total 68 ones in condensed matter physics) have very different ranks according to IF than to EF.
According to EF:
Total Cites Impact
Articles Cited
Article InfluenceTM
1 PHYS REV B 1098-0121 268964 3.774 3.364 0.954 5991 8.6 0.77784 1.385
2 NANO LETT 1530-6984 61066 12.219 12.832 2.239 855 3.9 0.31692 4.869
3 ADV MATER 0935-9648 68115 10.880 11.306 2.097 777 5.2 0.24245 3.765
4 NAT MATER 1476-1122 32037 29.920 33.444 7.584 137 4.3 0.21044 16.166
5 J PHYS-CONDENS MAT 0953-8984 33873 2.332 2.090 0.648 1174 6.4 0.13813 0.974
6 ADV FUNCT MATER 1616-301X 22516 8.508 9.442 1.202 481 3.8 0.11097 3.075
7 THIN SOLID FILMS 0040-6090 36097 1.935 2.049 0.282 1505 6.9 0.09447 0.642
8 APPL SURF SCI 0169-4332 24682 1.795 1.898 0.323 1339 5.0 0.08035 0.554
9 SMALL 1613-6810 11496 7.336 8.057 1.492 388 3.0 0.06735 2.577
10 J MAGN MAGN MATER 0304-8853 20192 1.690 1.439 0.415 739 6.8 0.05764 0.511
11 SURF SCI 0039-6028 25143 2.011 1.850 0.514 331 >10.0 0.04533 0.692
12 SOLID STATE COMMUN 0038-1098 15432 1.981 1.840 0.374 543 >10.0 0.03809 0.743
13 PHYSICA B 0921-4526 11888 0.856 0.854 0.275 1059 6.9 0.03715 0.323
According to IF:
1 NAT MATER 1476-1122 32037 29.920 33.444 7.584 137 4.3 0.21044 16.166
2 ADV PHYS 0001-8732 4193 21.214 19.065 5.625 8 >10.0 0.01224 13.718
3 SURF SCI REP 0167-5729 3618 18.593 17.954 1.000 10 8.2 0.00997 7.905
4 NANO LETT 1530-6984 61066 12.219 12.832 2.239 855 3.9 0.31692 4.869
5 ADV MATER 0935-9648 68115 10.880 11.306 2.097 777 5.2 0.24245 3.765
6 PROG SURF SCI 0079-6816 1827 10.368 9.793 1.300 10 8.7 0.00534 4.745
7 LASER PHOTONICS REV 1863-8880 789 9.312 8.872 1.911 45 2.1 0.00632 4.179
8 ADV FUNCT MATER 1616-301X 22516 8.508 9.442 1.202 481 3.8 0.11097 3.075
9 SMALL 1613-6810 11496 7.336 8.057 1.492 388 3.0 0.06735 2.577
10 CRIT REV SOLID STATE 1040-8436 603 6.143 6.844 1.125 8 7.0 0.00161 2.591
11 SOLID STATE PHYS 0081-1947 2005 4.667 8.600

>10.0 0.00041 4.194
12 CURR OPIN SOLID ST M 1359-0286 2363 4.385 5.525 0.778 18 8.2 0.00393 2.048
13 PHYS REV B 1098-0121 268964 3.774 3.364 0.954 5991 8.6 0.77784 1.385
14 J MECH PHYS SOLIDS 0022-5096 9828 3.705 4.147 0.521 121 >10.0 0.02498 2.100
15 PHYS STATUS SOLIDI-R 1862-6254 922 2.815 2.851 0.616 125 2.4 0.00620 1.083
16 SOLID STATE IONICS 0167-2738 19169 2.496 2.824 0.381 281 9.8 0.03227 0.868
17 SUPERCOND SCI TECH 0953-2048 5230 2.402 2.011 0.722 281 4.8 0.02032 0.673
18 J PHYS-CONDENS MAT 0953-8984 33873 2.332 2.090 0.648 1174 6.4 0.13813 0.974
19 SURF SCI 0039-6028 25143 2.011 1.850 0.514 331 >10.0 0.04533 0.692
20 SOLID STATE COMMUN 0038-1098 15432 1.981 1.840 0.374 543 >10.0 0.03809 0.743
How about the journals in multidisciplinary physics ? In total 80
According to EF:
rk Rank Abbreviated Journal Title
(linked to journal information)
ISSN JCR Data More Information EigenfactorTM MetricsMore Information
Total Cites Impact
Articles Cited
Article InfluenceTM
1 PHYS REV LETT 0031-9007 335522 7.622 7.155 1.836 3118 7.6 1.23313 3.470
2 NAT PHYS 1745-2473 11344 18.430 18.799 5.228 158 2.8 0.15208 14.049
3 PHYS LETT B 0370-2693 58367 5.255 4.026 1.926 769 9.8 0.14016 1.553
4 REV MOD PHYS 0034-6861 29872 51.695 48.621 8.219 73 >10.0 0.10706 31.178
5 NEW J PHYS 1367-2630 11644 3.849 3.617 1.078 812 2.7 0.09849 2.008
6 EPL-EUROPHYS LETT 0295-5075 16962 2.753 2.358 0.542 824 5.8 0.08880 1.304
7 PHYS LETT A 0375-9601 24945 1.963 1.995 0.390 872 7.5 0.07015 0.695
8 J PHYS A-MATH THEOR 1751-8113 20408 1.641 1.542 0.557 959 7.3 0.06915 0.670
9 PHYS REP 0370-1573 19243 19.438 22.760 5.314 35 10.0 0.05742 11.840
10 J PHYS SOC JPN 0031-9015 16704 2.905 2.128 0.730 497 >10.0 0.05644 1.066
11 CLASSICAL QUANT GRAV 0264-9381 12700 3.099 2.548 1.378 502 5.5 0.04369 0.937
12 SOFT MATTER 1744-683X 6666 4.457 5.080 0.687 710 2.3 0.04110 1.748
13 CHAOS SOLITON FRACT 0960-0779 9415 1.268 1.729 0.083 12 4.6 0.03941 0.538
14 PHYSICA A 0378-4371 13244 1.522 1.467 0.382 617 6.7 0.03830 0.520
15 REP PROG PHYS 0034-4885 8577 13.857 14.378 2.587 46 8.9 0.03215 7.930
16 PHYSICA D 0167-2789 9502 1.557 1.857 0.728 191 >10.0 0.02062 0.953
17 ANN PHYS-NEW YORK 0003-4916 10637 2.919 3.275 1.079 127 >10.0 0.02001 1.751
18 CHINESE PHYS LETT 0256-307X 5302 1.078 0.790 0.215 883 3.1 0.01808 0.185
19 PHYS SCRIPTA 0031-8949 5695 0.985 0.876 0.171 578 9.2 0.01628 0.335
According to IF:
1 REV MOD PHYS 0034-6861 29872 51.695 48.621 8.219 73 >10.0 0.10706 31.178
2 PHYS REP 0370-1573 19243 19.438 22.760 5.314 35 10.0 0.05742 11.840
3 NAT PHYS 1745-2473 11344 18.430 18.799 5.228 158 2.8 0.15208 14.049
4 REP PROG PHYS 0034-4885 8577 13.857 14.378 2.587 46 8.9 0.03215 7.930
5 PHYS REV LETT 0031-9007 335522 7.622 7.155 1.836 3118 7.6 1.23313 3.470
6 PHYS LETT B 0370-2693 58367 5.255 4.026 1.926 769 9.8 0.14016 1.553
7 SOFT MATTER 1744-683X 6666 4.457 5.080 0.687 710 2.3 0.04110 1.748
8 PHYS TODAY 0031-9228 3482 4.432 4.542 2.595 42 9.3 0.01131 2.699
9 NEW J PHYS 1367-2630 11644 3.849 3.617 1.078 812 2.7 0.09849 2.008
10 ACTA PHYS SLOVACA 0323-0465 316 3.250 1.011 0.167 6 5.1 0.00177 0.514
11 CONTEMP PHYS 0010-7514 1094 3.243 4.745 0.455 22 7.1 0.00499 2.623
12 J PHYS CHEM REF DATA 0047-2689 4730 3.219 4.273 0.562 16 >10.0 0.00421 1.972
13 CLASSICAL QUANT GRAV 0264-9381 12700 3.099 2.548 1.378 502 5.5 0.04369 0.937
14 ANN PHYS-NEW YORK 0003-4916 10637 2.919 3.275 1.079 127 >10.0 0.02001 1.751
15 J PHYS SOC JPN 0031-9015 16704 2.905 2.128 0.730 497 >10.0 0.05644 1.066
16 EPL-EUROPHYS LETT 0295-5075 16962 2.753 2.358 0.542 824 5.8 0.08880 1.304
17 PROG THEOR PHYS 0033-068X 5768 2.553 2.015 0.716 109 >10.0 0.01087 0.844
18 GEN RELAT GRAVIT 0001-7701 3512 2.538 1.926 0.541 157 8.4 0.00968 0.735
19 RIV NUOVO CIMENTO 0393-697X 464 2.444 2.333 0.800 10 >10.0 0.00110 1.257
20 PHYS-USP+ 1063-7869 4400 2.245 2.531 0.651 86 >10.0 0.00737 1.024

How about journals in applied physics? In total there are 118
According to EF:
Total Cites Impact
Articles Cited
Article InfluenceTM
1 APPL PHYS LETT 0003-6951 198284 3.841 3.863 0.670 4459 5.6 0.71882 1.398
2 J APPL PHYS 0021-8979 120351 2.079 2.215 0.369 3892 8.5 0.32658 0.875
3 NANO LETT 1530-6984 61066 12.219 12.832 2.239 855 3.9 0.31692 4.869
4 ADV MATER 0935-9648 68115 10.880 11.306 2.097 777 5.2 0.24245 3.765
5 NAT MATER 1476-1122 32037 29.920 33.444 7.584 137 4.3 0.21044 16.166
6 NANOTECHNOLOGY 0957-4484 26606 3.652 3.838 0.753 1139 3.6 0.13492 1.240
7 ADV FUNCT MATER 1616-301X 22516 8.508 9.442 1.202 481 3.8 0.11097 3.075
8 THIN SOLID FILMS 0040-6090 36097 1.935 2.049 0.282 1505 6.9 0.09447 0.642
9 J PHYS D APPL PHYS 0022-3727 23677 2.109 2.335 0.581 852 5.4 0.09332 0.905
10 APPL SURF SCI 0169-4332 24682 1.795 1.898 0.323 1339 5.0 0.08035 0.554
11 JPN J APPL PHYS 0021-4922 29940 1.024 1.117 0.170 1732 7.7 0.07226 0.361
12 SMALL 1613-6810 11496 7.336 8.057 1.492 388 3.0 0.06735 2.577
13 NAT PHOTONICS 1749-4885 6966 26.506 29.708 6.171 105 2.3 0.06350 15.440
14 MATER LETT 0167-577X 18495 2.120 2.197 0.348 797 4.7 0.06125 0.605
15 REV SCI INSTRUM 0034-6748 21892 1.601 1.749 0.395 1145 8.1 0.05895 0.704
16 SURF COAT TECH 0257-8972 22894 2.141 2.301 0.271 921 6.0 0.05841 0.616
17 IEEE PHOTONIC TECH L 1041-1135 13552 1.989 1.853 0.441 583 5.8 0.04791 0.667
18 IEEE T ELECTRON DEV 0018-9383 13572 2.267 2.391 0.467 454 8.0 0.04008 0.969
19 APPL PHYS A-MATER 0947-8396 11157 1.765 1.938 0.271 557 6.3 0.03444 0.677
20 IEEE T MAGN 0018-9464 13977 1.053 1.026 0.172 836 8.5 0.03378 0.349
According to IF:
1 NAT MATER 1476-1122 32037 29.920 33.444 7.584 137 4.3 0.21044 16.166
2 NAT PHOTONICS 1749-4885 6966 26.506 29.708 6.171 105 2.3 0.06350 15.440
3 MAT SCI ENG R 0927-796X 4167 19.750 22.750 0.552 29 8.0 0.00951 8.170
4 NANO LETT 1530-6984 61066 12.219 12.832 2.239 855 3.9 0.31692 4.869
5 ADV MATER 0935-9648 68115 10.880 11.306 2.097 777 5.2 0.24245 3.765
6 LASER PHOTONICS REV 1863-8880 789 9.312 8.872 1.911 45 2.1 0.00632 4.179
7 ADV FUNCT MATER 1616-301X 22516 8.508 9.442 1.202 481 3.8 0.11097 3.075
8 SMALL 1613-6810 11496 7.336 8.057 1.492 388 3.0 0.06735 2.577
9 PROG PHOTOVOLTAICS 1062-7995 2880 6.407 5.704 1.081 62 4.7 0.00999 1.752
10 NANO RES 1998-0124 900 5.078 5.091 1.150 100 1.8 0.00606 2.029
11 MRS BULL 0883-7694 4960 4.764 6.155 0.915 82 5.8 0.02152 2.692
12 CURR OPIN SOLID ST M 1359-0286 2363 4.385 5.525 0.778 18 8.2 0.00393 2.048
13 NANOSCALE 2040-3364 467 4.109 4.109 0.756 360 0.9 0.00111 1.240
14 ORG ELECTRON 1566-1199 3364 4.029 4.293 0.681 304 2.7 0.01816 1.490
15 APPL PHYS LETT 0003-6951 198284 3.841 3.863 0.670 4459 5.6 0.71882 1.398
16 PROG ELECTROMAGN RES 1559-8985 3202 3.745 2.512 0.665 275 2.4 0.01105 0.516
17 LASER PART BEAMS 0263-0346 1692 3.656 2.943 0.529 70 4.3 0.00435 0.604
18 NANOTECHNOLOGY 0957-4484 26606 3.652 3.838 0.753 1139 3.6 0.13492 1.240
19 IEEE J SEL TOP QUANT 1077-260X 6813 3.466 3.632 0.648 199 5.8 0.02297 1.283
20 PHYS STATUS SOLIDI-R 1862-6254 922 2.815 2.851 0.616 125 2.4 0.00620 1.083