Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Light almost stopped

This is not a new piece of work [1] to be spoken of here. It was released some a decade ago. The reason I recalled it here is because of one possible interesting demonstration with extremely slow light. Before discussing the idea, I'd like to quote the abstract of [1] below :

Techniques that use quantum interference effects are being
actively investigated to manipulate the optical properties of
quantum systems1. One such example is electromagnetically
induced transparency, a quantum effect that permits the propagation
of light pulses through an otherwise opaque medium2±5.Here
we report an experimental demonstration of electromagnetically
induced transparency in an ultracold gas of sodium atoms, in
which the optical pulses propagate at twenty million times slower
than the speed of light in a vacuum. The gas is cooled to
nanokelvin temperatures by laser and evaporative cooling6±10.
The quantum interference controlling the optical properties of
the medium is set up by a `coupling' laser beam propagating at a
right angle to the pulsed `probe' beam. At nanokelvin temperatures,
the variation of refractive index with probe frequency can
be made very steep. In conjunction with the high atomic density, this results in the exceptionally low light speeds observed. By
cooling the cloud below the transition temperature for Bose±
Einstein condensation11±13 (causing a macroscopic population of
alkali atoms in the quantum ground state of the con®ning
potential), we observe even lower pulse propagation velocities
(17ms-1) owing to the increased atom density. We report an
inferred nonlinear refractive index of 0.18 cm2W-1 and ®nd that
the system shows exceptionally large optical nonlinearities, which
are of potential fundamental and technological interest for quantum

Now let me talk about a possible use of the above work. As we know, there is interactions between photons, although such interactions are usually very weak. In vacuum, such interaction happens at about a frequency inversely proportional to the eighth power of bare (vacuum) light speed, c. The interactions can be understood in either quantum electrodynamics or classical ones (QED or CED). For simplicity, let's illustrate this with CED. According Maxwell equations, the EM fields are produced by sources, which are electrical charges and currents. These charges and currents come from of course matters (vacuum is also a kind of matter in the quantum sense, that vacuum can also interaction with other things). The whole system is thus a complex of both matter and EM fields. The laws governing the dynamics of this global system are expressed as two schools of equations: Maxwell ones and Newton's equations, the former telling EM fields how to behave while the latter dictating the matter how to behave. These two schools of equations are coupled: (1)Maxwell equations containing sources in terms of variables of matter; (2)Newton's equations containing forces coming from EM field strengths. Now if one express the matter variables in terms of EM fields through solving Newton's equations, one is able to obtain a highly nonlinear and anharmonic equations for EM fields by substituting the sources in terms of EM fields as obtained. The anharmonicity directly results in photon-photon interaction, which means, the superposition principle does not hold exactly true. Such anharmonicity is quite hard to capture in usual experiments, because it is of the order of 1/c^8 in the vacuum. On the other hand, if we can reduce light speed, such interaction shall increase. Now my idea is this: fire two light beams opposite to each other upon the sodium gas as described in [1], and these two beams shall linger in the gas due to slowing down and interact repeatedly, via generating electron-hole pairs, much the same way as in vacuum. The calculations can be easily done.

[1]Light speed reduction to 17 metres per second in an ultracold atomic gas
Lene Vestergaard Hau*², S. E. Harris³, Zachary Dutton*²
& Cyrus H. Behroozi*§
* Rowland Institute for Science, 100 Edwin H. Land Boulevard, Cambridge,
Massachusetts 02142, USA
² Department of Physics, § Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences,
Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA
³ Edward L. Ginzton Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305,

Sunday, June 27, 2010

neutrino and antineutrino with differing masses?

This will rewrite the rules of particle physics, if it is to be confirmed:

The two experiments -- MINOS and MiniBooNE -- in their own unique ways search for a phenomenon where one type, or flavor, of neutrino (there are three: electron, muon and tau) changes into another flavor while traveling through space. Previous experiments, including MINOS, have reported evidence for such transitions, the existence of which indirectly prove that the ghostly neutrinos have non-zero, albeit tiny, masses.

In the MINOS (Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search) experiment a proton beam is sent to a carbon target, creating subatomic particles that decay into muon neutrinos and antineutrinos. The beam is sent 735 kilometers through solid earth, first through a near particle detector at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) in Batavia, Ill., and then through a 5,000-ton far particle detector in Minnesota. Scientists then measure the rates that muon neutrinos and antineutrinos convert, respectively, to tau neutrinos and antineutrinos.

Providing critical contributions to the new result, and also one of the largest groups in the MINOS collaboration, is the Indiana University High Energy & Astroparticle Physics (HEAP) group led by IU faculty members Mark Messier, Stuart Mufson, Jon Urheim and James Musser.

Urheim, an associate professor of physics, has served as one of the organizers of the working group responsible for the new measurement, providing scientific leadership during the early stage analysis; Musser, a professor of physics, has for years directed the development of the software algorithms used to convert data into physically meaningful quantities; Messier, a professor of physics, led early development of the MINOS neutrino beam model and with IU graduate and post-doctoral students has refined and improved the model over time; Mufson, an astronomy professor, is leading the analysis effort looking for violations in the expected independence of the laws governing neutrino behavior with respect to speed and direction, which might be related to the new result. The IU group, including research scientist Chuck Bower, also played key roles in the construction of MINOS.

The Standard Model of particle physics holds that particle and antiparticle masses should be equal, with no discrepancy in masses inferred from the energy scale at which the conversion process from muon to tau occurs separately for neutrinos and antineutrinos. But MINOS scientists found that not to be the case: the new results indicate that neutrino and antineutrino masses differ by about 40 percent.

"Interpreted as measurements of neutrino mass, the MINOS results give different values for neutrino and antineutrino masses," Urheim said. "Equivalence of particle and antiparticle masses is a fundamental underpinning of the well-tested Standard Model of particle physics. So, if the neutrino-antineutrino difference persists, it will necessitate a radical modification of our understanding of particle physics."

At the same time the new differences in neutrino and antineutrino behavior were being announced last week by the MINOS team, the group of MiniBooNE (Mini Booster Neutrino Experiment) scientists that includes IU associate professor of physics Rex Tayloe found muon antineutrinos turning into electron antineutrinos at a higher rate than expected. With a second discrepancy in neutrino oscillation (flavor change) uncovered, IU scientists realized the momentum building toward a reworking of the long-held Standard Model of particle physics.

"Both of these experiments indicate that neutrinos are behaving differently compared to the antineutrinos, and if either of these results hold up under further scrutiny, the implications are profound," said Tayloe, who works out of the IU Center for the Exploration of Energy and Matter (formerly the IU Cyclotron Facility). "It would likely help us to understand the imbalance of matter and anti-matter in the universe which, currently, defies explanation and is one of the 'holy grails' of current physics exploration."

Counting the number of muon antineutrinos oscillating into electron antineutrinos over a half-kilometer distance at Fermilab, MiniBooNE scientists were able to confirm a result consistent with findings from the Liquid Scintillator Neutrino Detector experiment conducted in 1990 at Los Alamos National Laboratories that found electron antineutrinos appearing about 0.25 percent of the time. But Tayloe said excitement should remain contained until the new findings are confirmed over what could be several years of continued data collection and careful checks of alternate explanations.

"Enthusiasm for these results is tempered somewhat by the realities of these very difficult experiments," he said. "The number of neutrinos/antineutrinos observed in both experiments is quite small, which means that each of these observed results could have happened by chance about 5 percent of the time even if neutrinos and anti-neutrinos behave the same. Further data collection will help to resolve this problem."

Urheim said MINOS may only double its antineutrino data set over the next few years and so noted the importance of new detectors like the $278 million NOvA (NuMI Off-Axis Electron Neutrino Appearance) detector, with which IU is also heavily involved, coming on line to further compare neutrino oscillation events.

The results of both experiments will be submitted for publication in upcoming editions of Physical Review Letters. The work is also expected to generate discussion among an international cast of scientists visiting IU Bloomington for the upcoming CPT and Lorentz Symmetry Conference, June 28-July 2, that is being hosted by the IU Physics Department and organized by IU distinguished professor of physics Alan Kostelecky.


Ground was broken in 2000 and data collection began in 2003. IU is a charter member of the experiment, which involves more than 140 scientists, engineers, technical specialists and students from 30 institutions in five countries: Brazil, Greece, Poland, the United Kingdom and the U.S. Funding comes from the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Science Foundation in the U.S., the Science and Technology Facilities Council in the U.K., the University of Minnesota in the U.S.; the University of Athens in Greece, and Brazil's Foundation for Research Support of the State of São Paulo and National Council of Scientific and Technological Development.

About MiniBooNE

The project began in 1997, the first beam-induced neutrino events were detected in September 2002, and the first anti-neutrino events were detected in January 2006. The experiment includes more than 80 scientists from 18 institutions in the U.S.

Provided by Indiana University (news : web)

Friday, June 25, 2010

Brownian motions under direct observation

Here is surely a very interesting report, which shall reveal a lot of details about the motions under noices. In my opinion, although many have been learned of such motions, they remain mysterious in short-time scale dynamics. Further, what about a quantum particle in noices.

Science 25 June 2010:
Vol. 328. no. 5986, pp. 1673 - 1675
DOI: 10.1126/science.1189403

Prev | Table of Contents | Next
Measurement of the Instantaneous Velocity of a Brownian Particle
Tongcang Li, Simon Kheifets, David Medellin, Mark G. Raizen*

Brownian motion of particles affects many branches of science. We report on the Brownian motion of micrometer-sized beads of glass held in air by an optical tweezer, over a wide range of pressures, and we measured the instantaneous velocity of a Brownian particle. Our results provide direct verification of the energy equipartition theorem for a Brownian particle. For short times, the ballistic regime of Brownian motion was observed, in contrast to the usual diffusive regime. We discuss the applications of these methods toward cooling the center-of-mass motion of a bead in vacuum to the quantum ground motional state.

Center for Nonlinear Dynamics and Department of Physics, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712, USA.

* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: raizen@physics.utexas.edu

glass transition dynamics and surface layer mobility in unentangled polystyrene films

Science 25 June 2010:
Vol. 328. no. 5986, pp. 1676 - 1679
DOI: 10.1126/science.1184394


Glass Transition Dynamics and Surface Layer Mobility in Unentangled Polystyrene Films

Zhaohui Yang,1 Yoshihisa Fujii,1 Fuk Kay Lee,1,2 Chi-Hang Lam,2 Ophelia K. C. Tsui1,*

Most polymers solidify into a glassy amorphous state, accompanied by a rapid increase in the viscosity when cooled below the glass transition temperature (Tg). There is an ongoing debate on whether the Tg changes with decreasing polymer film thickness and on the origin of the changes. We measured the viscosity of unentangled, short-chain polystyrene films on silicon at different temperatures and found that the transition temperature for the viscosity decreases with decreasing film thickness, consistent with the changes in the Tg of the films observed before. By applying the hydrodynamic equations to the films, the data can be explained by the presence of a highly mobile surface liquid layer, which follows an Arrhenius dynamic and is able to dominate the flow in the thinnest films studied.

1 Department of Physics, Boston University, Boston, MA 02215, USA.
2 Department of Applied Physics, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.

* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: okctsui@bu.edu.

eletron emisson delay experimetally seen

Look at a hydrogen atom made of a proton and an electron. Now imagine a photon impinges upon it, and the electron may be kicked out. The probability for such an event can be easily evaluated with quantum mechanics. And, according to quantum mechanics, the physics here is simple: the moment the photon disappears, the elctron is emitted. However, this is not so for a multi-electron atom. For such atoms, how an electron is thrust out by a photon is still being investigated, due to electron interactions. In this case, a senseful scenario might be like this: the photon is aborbed by the electron cloud of this atom, meanwhile the electron cloud changes to a higher energy state, and later on, this cloud relaxes to a lower energy state in the accompany of electron emission. Thus, there is a delay between the photon vanishing and electron escape. This delay is of the order of a thousandth of femtosecond, difficult to be spotted. A recent study [1] just attacks this barrier.

[1] M. Schultze et al., Science 328, 1658 (2010).

A perspective and a useful list of references on this work is found here.

Invisibility in visible light has to remain tiny?

Manipulation of light rays has entered a new era since the first proposal based on matamaterials. Such materials feature negative refraction index. The reason is because they have both negative dielectric constant and magnetic permittivity. This double-fold negativeness makes an unusual left-handed system of electric field, magnetic field and the energy current vector (which defines the light propagation direction), thus, when considering the continuity of these fields along the tangent at the interface of two meeting media, the incident light shall be deflected in a counter-intuitive manner. This behavior has been utilized to make cloaks that enables the undetection of things beneath it. Up to now, all designs apply to only longwavelength detecting rays. Is it plausible to make a cloak that works under visible light, and how ?

A recent work published in PRL seems detering the interest. It claims that, cloaks for visible light, if feasible, shall be very tiny and can not cover large objects. Nonetheless, there are oppositions to this claim, arguing that, it is rational only for resonant-type devices. So, how will this dubious topic advance further ? Let's see.

25 June 2010:
Vol. 328. no. 5986, p. 1621
DOI: 10.1126/science.328.5986.1621-a

Even so, a broadband cloak cannot be much bigger than the wavelengths at which it works, Johnson and colleagues argue. In a paper in press at Physical Review Letters, they consider a simple scenario in which a pulse of light with a range of wavelengths descends on a flat object covered by a cloaking layer. If the object were not there, the light pulse would take more time to reach the surface and bounce back. So to hide the object, the cloak must delay the light pulse. And for the cloak to do that correctly over the entire wavelength range, its thickness must increase in proportion to the height of the hidden object, Johnson argues.

The thicker the cloaking layer, however, the longer the light pulse will remain in the material and the more light the cloak will absorb or scatter. If the cloak is too thick, that light loss becomes noticeable. Johnson and colleagues estimate that researchers might someday beat down the losses enough to cloak a meter-sized object at microwave wavelengths. At optical wavelengths, the losses are orders of magnitude too high to conceal such a large object, they say. A cloak for infrared or visible light cannot be more than a few micrometers across, they conclude.

Not everyone is convinced. Johnson's argument applies only to resonant systems, Pendry contends; it does not prove you cannot make a large nonresonant cloak. "It's not Moses descending from the mountain and saying you can't do it," Pendry says. "It's a rider saying that there may be some complications." Johnson says the result is general.

Cloaking is only one application for the concept of "transformation optics" that Pendry has pioneered, and others could prove more important. Still, it would be disappointing if all you could hide in your personal invisibility cloak were an eyelash.

Royal Society at its 350 anniversary

Science 25 June 2010:
Vol. 328. no. 5986, p. 1611
DOI: 10.1126/science.1193400


The Royal Society's Wider Role

Martin Rees

The royal society is currently celebrating its 350th anniversary. In its earlier years, Christopher Wren, Robert Hooke, Robert Boyle, Samuel Pepys, and other "ingenious and curious gentlemen" met regularly in London. Their motto was to "accept nothing on authority." They did experiments, peered through newly invented telescopes and microscopes, and dissected weird animals. But, as well as indulging their curiosity, they were immersed in the practical agenda of their era: improving navigation, exploring the New World, and rebuilding London after the Great Fire of 1666. Today, our horizons have hugely expanded. Earth no longer offers an open frontier but seems constricted and crowded—a "pale blue dot" in the immense cosmos. But the Royal Society's core values have enduring relevance. Today's scientists, like their forbears, probe nature and nature's laws by observation and experiment, but they should also engage broadly with the needs of society and with public affairs.

Martin Rees is Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, UK, and president of the Royal Society.

Dirac's earlier years to 1928

Dirac the great figure in physics made various contributions to a couple of fields, among which the Dirac equation andf antimatter as well as his text books are known to many. The article cited here discloses his earlier years prior to his great discovery.

Dark matter: a review on the phenomenology

In his latest blog, Z.z. posted an article collecting the evidences advocating the existence of dark matter.

Dark Matter: A Primer

This is a very useful review on the phenomenology of Dark Matter. It has a good review on the early and most recent evidence in support of the existence of dark matter. At the very least, it is convenient to have all of the references in one place for easy look-up.

Abstract: Dark matter is one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in cosmology at the present time. About 80% of the universe's gravitating matter is non-luminous, and its nature and distribution are for the most part unknown. In this paper, we will outline the history, astrophysical evidence, candidates, and detection methods of dark matter, with the goal to give the reader an accessible but rigorous introduction to the puzzle of dark matter. This review targets advanced students and researchers new to the field of dark matter, and includes an extensive list of references for further study.


Tuesday, June 22, 2010

when an atom is placed in a optical nanofiber

There arises a strong interest in the interaction between light and materials inside a cavity. Example practical motivations might be optomechnical devices and optical circuits[1]. Now a paper discussing the motion of atom in a nanofiber was just emerging in PRA[2]. Nanofibers are fibers with diameter smaller than the light wavelength, that is, the light seems compressed.

An outstanding problem in quantum optics is how light interacts with atoms inside an optical cavity. In the strong-coupling regime—where the coupling between an atom and the cavity field dominates the rate with which the field leaks out of the cavity and that of spontaneous emission—a single atom can significantly affect the field, and the presence of a single photon can strongly affect the atom.

In a paper published in Physical Review A, Fam Le Kien and K. Hakuta, both at the University of Electro-Communications in Japan, analyze how nanofibers—fibers stretched thin with core diameters smaller than a wavelength—may complement atom-cavity technology. They study a nanofiber that combines with two built-in fiber Bragg grating (FBG) mirrors to form a cavity. A surrounding atom interacts with the optical field, confined in the transverse direction by the narrow fiber and in the longitudinal direction by the gratings. As a result, the dynamics of the mean number of photons closely tracks the translational motion of the atom traversing the standing-wave field formed by the two FBG mirrors.

This work may lead to applications in fiber optics, cavity quantum electrodynamics, cold and ultracold atoms, and quantum optics effects such as electromagnetically induced transparency. – Frank Narducci

[1]PRA, 81:023816(2010)

[2]Phys. Rev. A 81, 063808 (Published June 7, 2010)

quark gluon solenoid

I don't see much on theoretical QCD recently. Here mentioned is a latest publication dealing with a local parity breach found in quark gluon plasma.

Quark gluon solenoid

synopsis imageIllustration: iStockphoto.com/philipatherton

Chiral Magnetic Spirals

Gökçe Başar, Gerald V. Dunne, and Dmitri E. Kharzeev

Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 232301 (Published June 7, 2010)

ShareThis Particles and Fields Nuclear Physics Accelerators

An intriguing phenomenon to emerge recently out of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) at Brookhaven National Laboratory is the evidence of local parity violation in quantum chromodynamics (QCD).

Parity violation manifests itself in measurements of electrical charge correlations in the quark-gluon plasma (QGP), which show a directional dependence in their coupling to the magnetic field generated during the collisions. Understanding this novel phenomenon, whose conceptual basis is yet to be found, has been the focus of several recent exciting theoretical studies.

Writing in Physical Review Letters, Gökçe Başar and Gerald Dunne from the University of Connecticut, in collaboration with Dmitri Kharzeev at Brookhaven National Laboratory, both in the US, propose a potential explanation of the parity violation through the spontaneous generation of topologically nontrivial configurations of gluons. The presence of the topological configurations can lead to a local imbalance between quarks of left and right chiralities, resulting in a current with spiral modulations along the direction of the external magnetic field. In the article, the focus is on an extreme limit of this scenario where the computation simplifies dramatically, allowing the authors to extract insightful analytical results—a rarity in the study of a system as complex as the QGP.

This elegant proposal is likely to inspire further exciting studies into the role of topological effects in QGP in particular and QCD in general. – Abhishek Agarwal

Saturday, June 19, 2010

crossover from tunneling to hopping

It was reported in Science [1] of observing directly the crossover in energy transfer from single step tunneling to multi-step hopping in a donor-bridge-acceptor molecular structure (DBA). The electrons carry energy from D to A by passing through the B. This passage can be via tunneling or hopping, depending on the bridge length.

Triplet energy transfer (TT), a key process in molecular and organic electronics, generally occurs by either strongly distance-dependent single-step tunneling or weakly distance-dependent multistep hopping. We have synthesized a series of p-stacked molecules consisting of a benzophenone donor, one to three fluorene bridges, and a naphthalene acceptor, and studied the rate of TT from benzophenone to naphthalene across the fluorene bridge using femtosecond transient absorption
spectroscopy. We show that the dominant TT mechanism switches from tunneling to wire-like hopping between bridge lengths 1 and 2. The crossover observed for TT can be determined by direct observation of the bridge-occupied state.

[1] SCIENCE VOL 328 18 JUNE 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Skymion observed in magnets

There came a paper [1] reporting the observation of individual skymions.

Skymion is a topological texture of certain physical order parameter, such as magnetization. One interesting property of topological texture is its stability against local perturbations. Such stability does not imply being low in energy. Rather, it means a big barrier preventing its demise into other configurations. This barrier exists because, to destroy a topological object needs a global change, which could happen only at very insignificant probability. Any local change cannot get rid of it.

[1]X. Z. Yu,Y. Onose, N. Kanazawa, J. H. Park, J. H. Han, Y. Matsui1, N. Nagaosa & Y. Tokura, Vol 465| 17 June 2010| doi:10.1038/nature09124

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Rejection and Ridicule

Rejection and Ridicule

Science Career section has a very nice article on what happens when you (i.e. a scientist) try to challenge a prevalent idea.

Not everyone who thinks they've made a game-changing discovery is right. Many -- perhaps most -- apparent breakthroughs are just wrong. Here, the input of peers brings to light inconsistencies in data or errors of interpretation. The process works best when scientists stand up -- with integrity, perseverance, and a certain degree of open-mindedness -- right up until it becomes clear that they're wrong.

But what if you're not wrong? Thick skin and persistence are keys to making the process play out well. Progress is made when good scientists keep working -- and keep supporting what they believe is true -- despite the criticism. Following are some coping strategies gleaned from our cohort of audacious scientists.

This is an important aspect in how science is done that a lot of the general public does not know. Certainly, when something new is presented that contradicts an current understanding, one EXPECTS a challenge, and one expects that the new idea or conclusion must have strong backing to survive. Even Einstein had to go through this rigorous process.

But when you read the article, keep a couple things in mind that are very clear:

1. These game-changing ideas were published in peer-reviewed journals. So crackpots who can't even get their "theory" into such a medium can't complain that the "system" will only publish papers that only follow the status quo. These are clear evidence to falsify such faulty claims.

2. That time and further refinement of evidence will eventually support you if you are correct. This is a crucial characteristic of a valid idea, whereby further studies will produce more evidence in favor of it, and will refine it even more. This is in contrast with "evidence" from pseudoscience where over time, the validity of its existence is under question.

Perhaps the best advice in the whole article can be summed up in this paragraph:

"At the end of the day, it's an empirical process," says David Botstein, the biologist at Princeton University who figured out how to map human genes, laying the foundation for the Human Genome Project. "If you disagree with conventional wisdom and the data are on your side, then you've got to persist. If on the other hand, you have a crackpot idea and the data are on the other side, you have to not be in love with your own idea."

This article adds another dimension to a similar and excellent article written by the late Dan Koshland in Science a while back.


The Standard Model Explained - Briefly

The Telegraph has this "cheat sheet" for the public. It is a very, VERY, brief description (I wouldn't call it an explanation) of the Standard Model.

It isn't a bad description. It is just that, as with other news item for the public, it appeals to the short-attention-span crowd who only likes sound bites. There's A LOT missing here, which are the details. But who cares about the details, right?

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Commenting on a paper highlighted in NJP

There came recently the May highlights of New Journal of Physics. One of them is the following

Markus Schmid, Brian M Andersen, Arno P Kampf and P J Hirschfeld, d-Wave superconductivity as a catalyst for antiferromagnetism in underdoped cuprates, New Journal of Physics 12 (2010) 053043 (17pp)

It says,

Support for this cooperative effect between SDW and superconductivity comes not only from the onset of the elastic magnetic neutron signal at Tc but also from Zn-substituted optimally doped LSCO. There it is found by μSR that 2% Zn induces a magnetic signal, but 3% Zn is found to eliminate it, but also destroys superconductivity [33]; within the context of the current theory, this effect is understood not as a consequence of spin dilution [33], but rather due to the destruction of the SC phase and thereby its ability to generate (or enhance) magnetic order via bound state creation. Similar effects were observed at smaller Zn concentrations in underdoped LSCO samples [34].

As regards these words, I would like to mention a recent article [DENG et al 2009]. According to the reasoning presented therein, the collapse of AFM orders should be due to spin glass formation in hole-doped compounds while spin dilution in electron-doped ones, a conclusion very similar to what is suggested in the above words. The reasoning is very convincing there.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Chiral Swiss rolls show a negative refractive index

The following article also comes from JMCP 2009 highlights and is also interesting:

M C K Wiltshire, J B Pendry and J V Hajnal, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21 (2009) 292201 (5pp) doi:10.1088;

Chiral Swiss rolls, consisting of a metal/dielectric laminate tape helically wound on an insulating mandrel, have been developed to form the basis of a highly chiral metamaterial. We have fabricated these elements using a custom-built machine, and have characterized them. We find that the permeability, permittivity, and chirality are all resonant in the region of 80 MHz. The chirality is so strong that it can be directly measured by observing the magnetic response to an applied electric field, and is larger than either the permeability or the permittivity. We have estimated the refractive indices from these data, and find both strong circular.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

James Frank: Science and Conscience

In World War I, Franck helped his native Germany develop gas-warfare defenses. Three decades later he urged the US, his adopted country, to tread carefully with an even more terrible weapon.

James Franck was one of Germany’s leading experimental physicists in the 1920s and early 1930s. He is remembered by physicists today primarily because of the Franck–Hertz experiment, for which he and Gustav Hertz were awarded the 1925 Nobel Prize in Physics, and for the Franck–Condon principle. Franck left Germany in 1933. As an immigrant in the US, he resumed his earlier efforts to understand how chlorophyll uses sunlight to form carbohydrates.

Franck is also known, however, for his role in the Manhattan Project during World War II. He chaired the project’s committee that produced the secret “Franck Report.” Out of concern that a surprise nuclear attack on Japan would make a nuclear arms race with the Soviet Union inevitable, the report recommended a demonstration explosion instead. He may have been sensitized to the ethical and political issues involved in the nuclear weapons project by his participation three decades earlier in Germany’s World War I chemical weapons program.

The first biography of Franck, by Jost Lemmerich, a leading historian of 20th-century German physics, was published in German in 2007. This article is based primarily on that book.1

Becoming a physicist

Franck was born in Hamburg in 1882, in a Jewish community that had emigrated from Portugal in the late 1500s. His interest in physics was partly stimulated by Wilhelm Röntgen’s 1895 discovery of x rays. Indeed, after breaking his arm at age 13 and having it set, he took himself to Hamburg’s State Physics Laboratory and asked to have the arm x-rayed. An x-ray tube had just been constructed at the laboratory. So on 7 April 1896, young Franck had the first diagnostic x ray ever taken in Hamburg. It revealed that the bone had been improperly aligned and had to be reset.

Although Franck was interested in science, his father, a successful draper who later went into banking, was skeptical that James would be able to make a living in physics other than as a high-school teacher. Franck therefore first matriculated at the University of Heidelberg as a law student. But he soon switched to chemistry, taking mathematics and physics courses as well. He met Max Born, who was to become a lifelong friend. Both young men were dissatisfied with the science courses at Heidelberg. Franck therefore left to study chemistry at the Friedrich-Wilhelms University in Berlin, and Born left to study mathematics at the University of Göttingen. Six decades later Franck recalled how he finally persuaded his father to let him switch to physics: “If I don’t study physics, I am unhappy from now on. If I study physics and don’t come along [succeed], I will be unhappy from then on. I’d better have some happiness!”2

In Berlin, Franck was quickly persuaded to study experimental physics. He became a student of Emil Warburg and attended the entire cycle of Max Planck’s courses on theoretical physics: mechanics, thermodynamics, acoustics, electricity, and electromagnetism. He also began to attend—and was profoundly impressed by—the series of colloquia in which Planck, later joined by Albert Einstein and Walther Nernst, struggled with the challenges of the new physics, especially the theory of quanta.

Warburg proposed that Franck study the mobility of ions in a point discharge. Franck redefined the problem into one with a more calculable cylindrical geometry. Thus began the work that led to the Franck–Hertz experiment.

After receiving his PhD in 1906, Franck was able to stay on in Berlin as a postdoctoral researcher. He collaborated with a number of colleagues on various topics relating to the physics of gas discharges. By 1911, he had produced enough work to qualify for his habilitation—in effect, a license to teach at a German university. With that credential, Franck began to lecture while continuing his research in Berlin.

In 1907 he had married Ingrid Josephson, a pianist from a Jewish family in Göteborg, Sweden. They had a traditional Jewish wedding and their first daughter, Dagmar, was born in 1909. A second daughter, Lisa, was born in 1911.

One of Franck’s collaborators during that period was Robert Wood, a visiting professor from the Johns Hopkins University. Wood was interested in fluorescence. So he and Franck tried together to understand the effects of pressure and different gas admixtures on the fluorescence of iodine gas. Franck also began to collaborate with the more mathematically inclined Hertz, whose uncle, Heinrich Hertz, had demonstrated the existence of electromagnetic waves. Their second joint publication describes the beginning of their attempt to measure the ionization energy of atoms by bombarding dilute monatomic gases with electrons accelerated through an adjustable potential. First they discovered that low-energy collisions were elastic unless the gas had a strong electron affinity. Then they made the key discovery that inelastic collisions begin to occur at a certain energy that depends on the element under bombardment.

The experiment and the war

Early in 1914 came the experiment with mercury vapor for which Franck and Hertz would be awarded the 1925 Nobel Prize. As they accelerated electrons across a tube filled with vaporized mercury, they found that the current increased with voltage between dips at intervals of 4.9 eV, as shown in figure 1. At first the experimenters misidentified that energy as the ionization energy of mercury. But from Einstein’s photoelectric-effect formula, they realized that 4.9 eV was an excitation level, corresponding to the 0.2536-micron wavelength of a strong UV mercury fluorescence line Wood had discovered. Planck was pleased because the experiment resulted in a much more accurate value for h, his blackbody quantum of action. Franck and Hertz did not make the connection between their result and Niels Bohr’s theory of the atom. “We had neither read nor heard about [it],” Franck recalled in later years.3 But Bohr quickly recognized their result as a confirmation.

World War I began in August 1914. Franck was already enlisted in the army reserves, and in December he was sent to the front in northern France as an engineer. Germany’s advance had stalled, and Fritz Haber, the great German physical chemist, recruited Franck and other scientists into a project to break through the Allied lines by releasing chlorine gas when the wind was favorable. Although the first attack, on 24 May 1915, was a failure, it launched a poison-gas arms race. Franck stayed at the front for a time, first in the West and then in Russia, where he contracted dysentery. While recuperating at home in September 1916, Franck learned that he had been appointed to a professorship at the Friedrich-Wilhelms University, his old school.

When Franck recovered, he was detached to work on poison gas at Haber’s Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Physical Chemistry and Electrochemistry in Berlin. There he worked on defensive systems—testing gas masks and filters. The researchers used themselves as guinea pigs, testing the masks in a room filled with poison gas. In those efforts, Franck worked closely with both Haber and Otto Hahn (see figure 2). Hahn would go on to discover uranium fission on the eve of the next, even more terrible war. So both he and Franck were exposed to “weapons of mass destruction” decades before their involvement with nuclear matters.

Franck and Hertz did not stop doing physics during the war. In 1915, while Franck was in a field hospital recovering from a serious bout of pleurisy, he and Hertz wrote and submitted for publication a paper on why, in a glow discharge in a gas mixture, the spectrum of the most easily ionizable gas is excited first.

At the end of 1918, with the war just over, Franck and Hertz wrote an overview article that summarized their conclusions as to what could now be understood about atomic excitations and ionization. They then went their separate ways scientifically. At about the same time, Haber offered Franck his first salaried position, as director of a division for research on atomic and molecular excitation and ionization in Haber’s reorganized Kaiser Wilhelm Institute.

Postwar conditions were desperate. The Nazis and other rightist groups blamed Germany’s defeat on a “stab in the back” [Dolchstoss] by the Jews; extremist groups on both right and left strove furiously to destroy the fledgling Weimar Republic; and in 1923 came hyperinflation. Nonetheless, Franck and his coworkers focused on their research. With theorist Fritz Reiche he analyzed the energy-level structure of helium. They concluded that although He’s metastable state would be invisible in the He emission spectrum because electromagnetic transition to the ground state was forbidden, it could be detected via Franck–Hertz electron-beam excitation. Soon thereafter Franck and Paul Knipping found the metastable He level.

Franck finally met Bohr during the Danish theorist’s visit to Berlin in the spring of 1920. It was the beginning of a lifelong professional and personal friendship. Bohr’s atomic theory had become central to Franck’s thinking, and Bohr thought that Franck could devise experiments that would test and facilitate the development of the theory. A few months later, Bohr invited Franck to spend the following spring in Copenhagen to help set up an experimental group in Bohr’s new Institute for Theoretical Physics.


Meanwhile, in part due to the influence of Born who had become the professor of theoretical physics at Göttingen in 1920, Franck was appointed there as a professor of experimental physics. At the time, the university had two chairs of experimental physics; Robert Pohl held the other. Pohl had been a friend and fellow student of Franck’s in both Heidelberg and Berlin. He had become famous at Göttingen because of his spectacular lectures. Göttingen also had a powerful school of mathematicians interested in physics, including David Hilbert, Richard Courant, and Carl Runge.

During those difficult economic times, government funding was cut back drastically, and German physics was increasingly supported by German and foreign industry. Einstein also dispersed money from the budget of his Kaiser Wilhelm Institute of Physics, an institution that existed only on paper. Later, the Rockefeller Foundation became a major funder of physics at Göttingen.

The university became a world center of physics. It attracted not only the best students and young researchers—most spectacularly Werner Heisenberg and Wolfgang Pauli—from other German universities, but also many talented foreigners. Among them were Karl Compton, Edward Condon, Joseph Mayer, and J. Robert Oppenheimer from the US, Edward Teller from Hungary, and Paul Dirac from the UK.

Particularly attractive to the young physicists was the friendly, collaborative atmosphere between the theoretical and experimental physicists (see figure 3). Franck played a central role in creating that community spirit. Before Heisenberg left to take a chair at the University of Leipzig in 1926, he wrote a letter of appreciation to Franck:

Before I leave here to embark on my new profession, I would like to thank you and your esteemed wife warmly for all the kindness that you have shown me throughout my years in Göttingen. The spirit that one felt at our institute Christmas parties and the “Franck festivities,” which permeated all of our working and living together did, of course, come largely from you. And because it is mainly due to this spirit that one immediately feels at home in Göttingen, I’d like to thank you especially for it. I could not imagine anything finer than working in Göttingen again one day under the reign of that spirit.

Franck was now using electron collisions to explore the dissociation of molecules. His approach to understanding molecular processes was more visual than mathematical. In a 1924 paper that discussed ionizations caused by collisions between positive ions and atoms, he wrote, “The assumption underlying the equation is that the ionizing electron jump at the struck atom happens so fast that the ponderous ions do not change their positions during the electron’s jump.” That was the first enunciation of the Franck–Condon principle, which Franck developed further in a 1926 article on photodissociation of diatomic molecules and Condon elaborated more mathematically in an article that same year. After a binding electron assumes an excited state, the equilibrium distance between the two nuclei in a diatomic molecule is different from the ground-state distance. Therefore, part of the excitation energy goes into interatomic vibration.

Franck’s standing in the physics community continued to rise. In 1926 he and Hertz shared the delayed award of the 1925 Nobel Prize. Bohr had been nominating Franck since 1921. The Göttingen students mounted a torchlight procession to Franck’s house to celebrate the announcement. In his Stockholm acceptance speech, Franck reflected on the joys of being a physicist in that era:

Is it not rather we, who have every reason to be thankful?—thankful for the opportunity to work, thankful also to destiny for permitting us, in an epoch so rich and vibrant in our science, to carry building blocks to the magnificent edifice of quantum and atomic theory that men like Planck and Niels Bohr, in particular, have erected.

Göttingen’s Institute of Physics remained apolitical, but around it the Nazi tide was rising. In 1926, Adolf Hitler established the Nazi Student League, and a cell was organized at Göttingen the following year. But Franck plowed on with his physics. One of his collaborators in the work on molecular dissociation was Hertha Sponer, whom he would marry in the US after Ingrid’s death.

Confronting Nazism

In 1929 Franck turned down a professorship in Munich. But he used the prestigious offer to get increased support for his work at Göttingen from the Ministry of Culture. At the end of 1932, he was invited to succeed Nernst as director of the Physical Institute in Berlin. He was willing. But that plan, along with countless others, was soon swept away when Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany on 30 January 1933.

Just two months later, the new government promulgated a law discharging all government employees of “non-Aryan descent,” including university faculty. The major exemption, for the time being, was for veterans of World War I. Franck could have invoked that exemption, but he resigned publicly in protest against the new laws:

We Germans of Jewish descent are being treated as aliens and enemies of the fatherland. Our children must grow up knowing that they will never be allowed to regard themselves as Germans. War veterans are to be permitted to continue serving the state. I decline to avail myself of that privilege, although I understand the position of those who today see it as their duty to remain at their posts.

A few days later, Franck’s action was reported in the local anti-Nazi newspaper, which was subsequently shut down, and then in American, British, Dutch, and Italian papers. Franck received many letters of appreciation for his stand. He was also denounced. For example, a letter signed by 42 Göttingen lecturers and published by the local pro-Nazi newspaper argued that “the form of [Franck’s] tender of resignation is tantamount to an act of sabotage.”

Franck received offers to teach in Istanbul and in Belgrade, and an invitation to visit Johns Hopkins. But at first he hoped to stay in Germany and work in the private sector. Meanwhile, using his international connections, he occupied himself with helping the Jewish researchers and students in his institute find positions abroad. His PhD students completed their theses under Pohl’s supervision. My father, physicist Arthur von Hippel, who had married Franck’s daughter Dagmar, went to teach for two years in Istanbul.

Bohr offered Franck a visiting professorship at his institute, and in October 1933 Franck finally decided to accept. In Copenhagen he worked briefly on nuclear physics but then decided he could contribute more by working on understanding photosynthesis, to which he devoted the rest of his research career.

Starting over in America

Although Franck loved and admired Bohr and his institute, he realized that the sojourn in Copenhagen could only be a way station. In January 1935, therefore, he accepted the offer from Johns Hopkins. Before Franck left for America, he, his two daughters, and their families had a reunion in the Bohr family’s summer home. Von Hippel stayed on as a guest researcher in Bohr’s institute until he obtained a position at MIT in 1936. Franck’s second daughter, Lisa, and her husband, Hermann Lisco, a pathologist, went back to Berlin. But in 1936 they were able to join Franck in Baltimore.

At Hopkins, Franck continued his research into photosynthesis. The Rockefeller Foundation provided funds for equipment, but the university did not have the funds to hire coworkers. It was a desperate time in Europe. To make possible the emigration of his mother, aunt, and sister to the US, Franck put up his life insurance as collateral to guarantee that they would not become burdens on the public purse.

Early in 1938 Franck accepted a position at the University of Chicago with support for his research from Samuel Fels, who had made his money in the manufacture of Fels Naptha, a popular household soap. Franck now had a group, and they did experiments on the influence of light intensity and duration, CO2 concentration, and temperature on photosynthesis and fluorescence in hydrangea leaves. They developed a partial theory to explain their results.

Franck’s first paper at Chicago was coauthored by Teller, who had been the theorist with Franck’s Göttingen group before going to Bohr’s institute in 1933 and then to the George Washington University in 1935.4 The paper considered how light is absorbed by crystals, which helped to lay the basis for the theory of excitons. The authors then applied those ideas to the problem of how blue light creates low-energy excitations in chlorophyll. Teller and Franck were a long way from a true understanding of how photosynthesis works, but their ideas turned out to be relevant to the sensitization of photographic emulsions by light.

Franck wrote about the difficulties of understanding photosynthesis in an undated letter (probably 1941) to his friend Lise Meitner.

It’s completely different from physics, where the simplest solution is almost always the right one. But in living tissue, that’s absolutely not the case. Nature has had the time to take very complicated paths to the solution, because they mostly offer safeguards against derailment. I believe I understand the physico-chemical side of photosynthesis. The chemistry, which actually interests me less, I try to understand as far as I can.

Franck’s contributions in the field were recognized in 1955 by the Rumford Prize of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

Japan’s December 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor resulted in the almost immediate mobilization of US physicists into the nuclear weapon and radar programs. Technology development for plutonium production was put under the leadership of Arthur Compton in the Manhattan Project’s code-named “Metallurgical Laboratory” at the University of Chicago. Compton asked Franck to head the Met Lab’s chemistry division. Franck responded that he would do so, but with a condition: When the bomb was ready for use— assuming it had not been developed elsewhere first—he must be allowed to present his views as to its use to someone at the highest policymaking level.5

Franck’s job was mostly managerial; a team under Glenn Seaborg carried out the work. Franck did get deeply involved, however, with questions raised by Eugene Wigner’s calculations of the energy stored by neutron-caused atomic displacements in the graphite of the plutonium-production reactors. This “Wigner effect” turned out to be more serious than the DuPont Company, which was responsible for building the reactors on the Columbia River, was initially willing to acknowledge. It led to shutdowns of the reactors after World War II until techniques were developed to release that energy in a controlled way.6

The Franck Report

During 1944, the tide of the war in Europe had turned, and the work of the Met Lab was largely completed. Its scientists therefore had time to consider the postwar implications of nuclear energy. The potential for a postwar nuclear arms race was obvious. Indeed, Bohr had been urging the American and British governments to discuss the issue of the bomb with the Soviet Union before it was used.

The discussions at Chicago became more intense after the May 1945 victory in Europe. After one of those discussions, on 5 June Franck wrote the first draft of what was to become the Franck Report:

[T]he basic knowledge is international that atomic power can be used to make an atomic bomb of an unheard of efficiency. We are quite certain that the United States has for the time being an advantage in this field. It consists in the fact that she succeeded in producing the explosive itself, by separating the active isotope of U as well as by producing a fissionable transuranic element [plutonium] in pure form and on a technical scale. . . . We believe a bomb able to produce a sensational destruction will be available very soon. It took the United States 3 1⁄2 years to reach that goal, and great sacrifices in the wealth of the nation had to be made for this progress and great scientific and industrial organizations were needed.

Just the same, we may expect that other great nations can and will do the same in about the same number of years if enough effort is put behind it. While they may fall somewhat behind in industrial efficiency, they would have the advantage to know in a general way how we proceeded even if the USA should try to keep everything secret. . . . If an armament race in atomic bombs starts, the USA would therefore have an advantage of only a few years.

After the death of President Roosevelt in April 1945, Compton was a member of the Scientific Advisory Panel to the Interim Committee that advised Harry Truman, the new president, on nuclear matters. The other members of the SAP were Oppenheimer, Ernest Lawrence, and Enrico Fermi. The day after Franck wrote his memorandum, Compton appointed six panels of Met Lab scientists to consider postwar implications of nuclear energy. Franck was appointed chair of the panel on social and political implications. Franck’s panel included Seaborg, who would go on to chair the Atomic Energy Commission from 1961 to 1971; Leo Szilard, who had agonized over implications of nuclear weaponry ever since he first conceived the idea of a nuclear chain reaction in 1933; and Eugene Rabinowitch, who went on to co-found the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.

The final version of Franck’s memorandum, which came to be known as the Franck Report, was finished in five days. It argued against using nuclear weapons in a surprise attack on Japan, and for the alternative of a demonstration explosion over an uninhabited area:

The use of nuclear bombs for an early, unannounced attack against Japan [is] inadvisable. If the United States would be the first to release this new means of indiscriminate destruction upon mankind, she would sacrifice public support throughout the world, precipitate the race of armaments, and prejudice the possibility of reaching an international agreement on the future control of such weapons.

Much more favorable conditions for the eventual achievement of such an agreement could be created if nuclear bombs were first revealed to the world by a demonstration in an appropriately selected uninhabited area. . . .

If the government should decide in favor of an early demonstration of nuclear weapons it will then have the possibility to take into account the public opinion of this country and the other nations before deciding whether these weapons should be used in the war against Japan. In this way, other nations may assume a share of responsibility for such a fateful decision.

Compton, Franck, and Norman Hilberry, Compton’s deputy, tried to deliver the report to Secretary of War Henry Stimson, chair of the Interim Committee. But he was out of town. So they left it for Stimson with a cover note by Compton that expressed his view that the report had not given adequate weight to the lives that would be saved if use of the bomb accelerated the end of the war.

Compton had already brought up Franck’s idea of a demonstration in a meeting of the Interim Committee and its SAP on 31 May. As a result, the SAP was “asked to prepare a report as to whether we could devise any kind of demonstration that would seem likely to bring the war to an end without using the bomb against a live target.” They reported back on 16 June that they could not.7

Unlike the committee, however, Franck was not focused on the importance of using the bomb to accelerate the end of the war. Indeed, his 5 June memorandum assumed that the war was already virtually won:

This explosive was not developed in time to be used against Germany. It will probably not be needed to win the war with Japan. It is conceivable that its use against Japan might shorten that war. It is probable that it would not materially shorten the war.

Franck’s assessment that the war was almost over was shared by Joseph Stalin, who rushed Soviet troops from Europe to the East for fear that Japan might surrender before the Soviet Union could enter the war and help shape postwar East Asia.

A flying start

There is no doubt that dropping the nuclear bomb on Hiroshima gave the arms race a flying start, as Franck had feared it would. Before Hiroshima, Stalin had not given the Soviet nuclear weapons program high priority. After Hiroshima, however, he is reported to have said to Igor Kurchatov, the scientific leader of the Soviet nuclear project, and Boris Vannikov, the commissar for munitions, that “Hiroshima has shaken the whole world. The balance has been destroyed.”

To ensure that the project would now get whatever resources it needed, Stalin put it under Lavrenti Beria, the feared head of the NKVD (the People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs).

David Holloway, the American historian who has studied the Soviet program most closely, argues that there was nothing that the US could have done to convince Stalin not to mount a nuclear weapons program. As he puts it:

The bomb would still have affected the balance of power, and would still have been a symbol of the economic and technological might of the state. Stalin would still have wanted a bomb of his own.8

Whether or not the cold war buildup had to reach the levels it did, however, is another question. Stalin died in 1953, four years after the Soviet Union conducted its first nuclear test. He was succeeded by a less paranoid leadership. In his famous February 1956 speech to the 20th Congress of the Soviet Union, Premier Nikita Khrushchev expressed an interest in “peaceful coexistence” with the West.

At that time, the US nuclear stockpile contained between 4000 and 5000 fission bombs and the Soviet stockpile about one-tenth as many. The much more powerful thermonuclear warheads were just being developed. The American buildup had developed such a momentum, however, that during 1958 alone the US added more than 5000 nuclear warheads to its stockpile. By the time Defense Secretary Robert McNamara managed to rein in the buildup in the mid-1960s, the US stockpile contained more than 30 000 warheads. It took two more decades for the Soviet Union to reach and surpass that level.9

The postwar years

At the end of the war, Franck was concerned about the fates of his friends and former colleagues in Germany. Late in 1945 he became involved in an appeal for humanitarian aid for Germany, where starvation was rampant. American public-health officials in occupied Berlin estimated that infant mortality would climb to 80–90% during the winter of 1945–46. Franck asked Einstein to sign the appeal, but Einstein refused. After two world wars, he had given up on the Germans. “I still remember too well the Germans’ campaign of tears [Tränencampagne] after the last war,” he wrote to Franck.

In February 1946 Franck wrote to Born, in English, about his reluctance to become involved in political matters.

I would be quite content . . . if only my conscience would not force me to take a stand on a few political issues. I hate to be involved in anything political; I hate publicity, but I just cannot retire into the ivory tower of free research and forget about the world. And, of course, at our age we are probably more pessimistic than the young people. Even I am not consistent in my pessimistic point of view, because I have an elementary joy in each new grandchild, and feel that whenever I have the opportunity I am a kind of professional grandfather.

Franck soon returned to his work on photosynthesis. In 1947 he was invited by the German authorities to accept a chair in experimental physics in Heidelberg. But he responded that he had made a new home in America. He also confessed,

I believe I know that the majority of Germans rejected the murders committed against the Jews and the other races that the Nazis labeled inferior. And I do not reproach those people for not throwing themselves down the Moloch’s gullet because they deemed it useless. But another considerable percentage of the populace stood by and watched the crimes with indifference. With them I want no contact. So I cannot imagine a fruitful teaching position in which I would have to ask myself whether this or that one with whom I had official or personal business was one of those.

Slowly, however, Franck began to make his peace with the new Germany. In 1948 he accepted corresponding membership in the Max Planck Society (the renamed Kaiser Wilhelm Society). Its president was now his old friend Hahn. In 1951 he accepted, with Hertz, the Max Planck Medal. And in 1953 Franck, Born, and Courant accepted honorary citizenship from Göttingen.

In 1950 Franck had begun to visit his old friends in Europe. Traveling around Germany in the spring of 1964, he and his wife stopped in Göttingen to visit Hahn and Born (figure 4). There on the morning of 21 May, after an evening out with Hahn, Franck died of a heart attack at the age of 81.

An English translation by Ann Hentschel of Lemmerich’s biography will be published early next year under the title Science and Conscience: The Life of James Franck by Stanford University Press as part of its series on the history of the nuclear age.

Frank von Hippel, a physicist, is a professor of public and international affairs at Princeton University in Princeton, New Jersey. He is one of Franck’s eight grandchildren.


  1. 1. J. Lemmerich, Aufrecht im Sturm der Zeit: Der Physiker James Franck, 1882–1964, GNT, Diepholz, Germany (2007). Unless otherwise noted, quotations in this article are from Lemmerich’s book.
  2. 2. J. Franck, “Reminiscences of a Physicist,” talk given at the American Physical Society Southeast Section Meeting, 5 April 1962, Tallahassee, FL. A sound recording is available at the Niels Bohr Library, American Institute of Physics, College Park, MD.
  3. 3. G. Holton, Am. J. Phys. 29, 805 (1961) [SPIN].
  4. 4. E. Teller, J. L. Shoolery, Memoirs: A Twentieth-Century Journey in Science and Politics, Perseus, Cambridge, MA (2001), pp. 73–75.
  5. 5. A. K. Smith, A Peril and a Hope: The Scientists’ Movement in America, 1945–47, U. Chicago Press, Chicago (1965), p. 31.
  6. 6. M. S. Gerber, History of 100-B/C Reactor Operations, Hanford Site, http://www.b-reactor.org/hist1-2.htm#1.2.16.
  7. 7. A. H. Compton, Atomic Quest: A Personal Narrative, Oxford U. Press, New York (1956), pp. 236, 239–40.
  8. 8. D. Holloway, Stalin and the Bomb, Yale U. Press, New Haven, CT (1994), p. 133.
  9. 9. R. S. Norris, H. M. Kristensen, Bull. At. Sci., July/August 2006, p. 64.
  10. 10. J. Franck, G. Hertz, Verh. Dtsch. Phys. Ges. 16, 457 (1914).

JPCM: 2009 highlights, now free for reading until the end of this year

JPCM has produced its 2009 highlights. The good news is that they are available for free till the end of this year. I would like to suggest the following pieces:

[1]The transport properties of graphen,

N M R Peres 2009 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21 323201,

We review the transport properties of graphene, considering both the case of bulk graphene and that of nanoribbons of this material at zero magnetic field. We discuss: Klein tunneling, transport by evanescent waves when the chemical potential crosses the Dirac point, the conductance of narrow graphene ribbons, the optical conductivity of pristine graphene, and the effect of disorder on the DC conductivity of graphene.

[2] Magnetic field induced confinement–deconfinement transition in graphene quantum dot,

G Giavaras et al 2009 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21 102201

Massless Dirac particles cannot be confined by an electrostatic potential. This is a problem for making graphene quantum dots but confinement can be achieved with a magnetic field and here general conditions for confined and deconfined states are derived. There is a class of potentials for which the character of the state can be controlled at will. Then a confinement–deconfinement transition occurs which allows the Klein paradox to be probed experimentally in graphene dots. A dot design suitable for this experiment is presented.

[3]Exact mapping of the dx2y2 Cooper-pair wavefunction onto the spin fluctuations in cuprates: the Fermi surface as a driver for 'high Tc' superconductivity

Ross D McDonald et al 2009 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 21 012201

We propose that the extraordinarily high superconducting transition temperatures in the cuprates are driven by an exact mapping of the dx2y2 Cooper-pair wavefunction onto the incommensurate spin fluctuations observed in neutron-scattering experiments. This is manifested in the direct correspondence between the inverse of the incommensurability factor δ seen in inelastic neutron-scattering experiments and the measured superconducting coherence length ξ0. Strikingly, the relationship between ξ0 and δ is valid for both La2−xSrxCuO4 and YBa2Cu3O7−x, suggesting a common mechanism for superconductivity across the entire hole-doped cuprate family. Using data from recent quantum-oscillation experiments in the cuprates, we propose that the fluctuations responsible for superconductivity are driven by a Fermi-surface instability. On the basis of these findings, one can specify the optimal characteristics of a solid that will exhibit 'high Tc' superconductivity.